Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Seriously Funny

Chloe makes us laugh ALL the time, especially now that she is speaking in 3 to 4 word sentences.  It seems like she progressed SO much the week we were in Oregon (pictures to come).  Her latest things have been:

  • The minute we walked into the house after flying home from Oregon she said "I wanna ride airnane!"
  • Ronnie crashed his airplane at my family reunion and Chloe came up to me and said "Mommy airnane broken"...."fix it!"
  • I think she gets a little bored in the car because whenever we're driving somewhere she'll say "Mommy look!"  I usually look back and find her twisting her pinky and ring fingers together and proudly holding up both hands or the last couple of times she's stuck her hands through the gap in her seat belt and wiggled her fingers at me and giggled.
  • Her favorite song is "Bitsy Spider" and she wants to sing it over and OVER again...especially in the car.  She'll say "Mom!  Bitsy Spider?" and if I don't do the actions she'll usually say "All done.  Mom!  Bitsy Spider?" until I do the actions.  She also loves getting out her "binoculars" and singing "Popcorn Popping".
  • One phrase I sometimes regret teaching her is "stop it", which had to evolve to "please stop it" because it was getting a little mean.  Whenever we tickle or tease her she says in all seriousness "Please stop it!"
  • Since we got back from Oregon Chloe has been wanting to sleep in our bed and calls it "this bed".  When I put her down at night she'll say "Mom, this bed?" and I have to remind her that she has to sleep in her bed.
  • This might be TMI, but oh well!  The other day I was using the restroom and Chloe came walking in (any mom knows that there is no such thing as privacy) and I asked her if she was stinky.  She replied "I stinky too!" to which I asked "You think Mommy is stinky?"  She gave a big nod and said "Uh hu!  I stinky too!"
Those are all I can think of at the moment, but I'll update as they keep coming!  We love you Chloe!


teresa said...

Silly Sam, that was TMI!

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

so cute! dont you just love kids! I cant wait for Ellie to start saying more words. so how is being prego?