Monday, August 8, 2011

Brookie's "Bachelorette" Party

Kari, Brooke, Dani, me and Callie at Suwadee's
I was going to post about our Oregon trip today, but Ronnie put the pictures on the laptop and of course has it with him (I don't think he ever leaves without it), so you get to hear about my girl's weekend in SLC instead!  One of my besties Brooke is getting married in September, so we decided to trek up to her neck of the woods (is that how you spell neck in that phrase??) and throw her a "bachelorette" party (I dubbed it "bachelorette" because it wasn't really a cutsie shower and I put the quotation marks because it wasn't really anything there ya go...I just felt the need to explain).  It brought back so many memories getting together with all of these girls and just hanging out!  We've all been best friends since high school and a few of them I've know since kindergarten or before (I think I went to joy school with a few of them).  We actually kind of remind me of  The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (minus the magical pants...), because we all have different, distinct personalities, yet we all get along and love each other.  The other great part is that they are all the type of friend that I can go ages without seeing or talking to, but the minute we get together, we're on the same page again!  LOVE, love, love all of my girls!
We started out by making a world record in pee stops and the length of time it takes to get from St. George to SLC (and it wasn't just yours truly preggers woman requesting the stops), then finally made it to the Gateway for some shopping!  Shockingly, after about two stores, we were all totally pooped (granted, the first one we went to was two stories worth of Forever 21, where Brookie tried on various rompers), so we headed to dinner.  We went to this seemingly hole in the wall Thai place that turned out to be completely delicious (it was my first Thai experience) and extremely busy.  It was one of those places you just kind of have to know about or else you'd drive right by it (to it's credit, it was really nice inside, but a large part of it is outside, so you can't really tell).  It's called Suwadee's...maybe you've heard of it?
After that we headed to Brooke's new place for gifts and girl talk.  I didn't take pictures of many of her presents since they were mostly "married people stuff", but I did snap one of socks that I gave her.  They were in a tiny bag and as I handed it to her I told her "this is all you're really going to need" (I know, clever).  If you can't tell, they are knee socks that say "I'm a hot mess" on them and Ronnie and I thought they were hilarious and partially accurate.  I know many people who think that lingerie is a complete waste of time, so I figured if she just had a pair of socks then she'd be set!  We then stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, chatting, laughing and giving our sage married advice to Brooke.  When we finally did go to bed, the two mommies (Kari and myself) ended up bunking together and at one point she woke up patting me down trying to find her baby to nurse and I'm sure I almost knocked her off the bed with all of my "support pillows" under every square inch of me.
When we finally got home, I passed out for about three hours and only emerged for Domino's's amazing how only 5 years have gone by since high school and yet my body feels so old and decrepit and can't handle one little girl's night.  It was worth it though!


teresa said...

Aww Sami, ya look so cute! I'm glad you had such a good time.

Kari said...

Great recap, Sam. I was hoping you wouldn't remember me trying to find Vivian in my sleep....blush. :)