Sunday, September 25, 2011

Breakfast Surprise

This is what I woke up to Friday morning....

 Ronnie's special "action shot"
Friday morning Ronnie was getting ready to leave for an RC plane event in Lehi, so he took the time and surprised me with a french toast breakfast!  I've been craving french toast every day for a while now, so it was especially sweet (no pun intended...)!  The biggest surprise was that he was it on the heating element of the grill.  When I asked him what gave him the idea to go outside, he said "Well, I was enjoying the morning making it in the kitchen with the window open, when I thought, why not just make it outside???"  So there ya have it :)  It was such a picturesque morning with the sun shining over the fence, the sounds of breakfast cooking and my cute little family surrounding me. Chloe was a cute little helper and wanted to be by Ronnie's side the entire time.  I love that she always wants to help and be involved!  Ronnie also convinced me that he needed a new lens to take pictures of Little Sister with, so that's what these pictures were taken on :)  pretty impressive dear!  Ronnie had a blast in Lehi, but got SUPER burned!  He forgot his camera, so no plane pictures, but lobster face pics will be up soon!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Because honestly, who can get enough of her cuteness?  In the last 10 minutes alone, she's had us totally cracking up.

  • Every night Ronnie brushes Chloe's teeth and then he tells her to have Mommy smell her breath.  She usually starts yelling "Mommy, whew are you???" and then once she finds me starts going "Hah, hah" with her mouth wide open so I can smell how fresh her breath is.
  • Lately she's been really into putting on her own shoes, as seen in the picture above, and even has a favorite pair of pink mary-janes that she wants to wear every day.  The other pair she insists on wearing are a pair of pink flips flops that are too small and won't stay on her feet.
  • Tonight in the car Ronnie and I were having a "debate" about who was right about something-nothing too heated, but obviously Chloe could tell because she suddenly said "Mommy.  Chill out."  Guess I've used that line on her one too many times.  It definitely stopped us in our tracks :)
  • If you ask her her name she can now say "Name is Chloe"  Tonight we tried to teach her her whole name by saying them one at a time (Chloe Ann LeBaron) which she did very well at.  We then said her whole name and she repeated lickity split!  We were seriously astonished!  She can now say her whole name!
  • The other day we were outside so Chloe could ride her bike and she suddenly stopped, looked in the garage and said "Mom, tower".  I looked around, but couldn't tell what she was talking about.  She walked into the garage and said "Mom, tower on car"  even more confused I got up to see what she was talking about.  She was next to my license plate pointing at the arch on it and saying "Mom tower!  Knock it down??"
  • She loves playing Piggy (this little piggy went to market...etc)
  • Yesterday I came outside after finishing my hair and she said "Mom, pretty hair!"
  • She loves "buyitos"  (burritos) just like her mom :)
  • Still TOTALLY obsessed with Tangled.  She always says "Flynn Ryder, super cute!" or randomly "Pascal!"  Still asks to watch it every day, multiple times a day.  She's even started quoting lines before they're said in the movie.
  • Last week at daycare she went up to a little boy who's about 4 years older than her and said "Come on.  Play!' and took him by the hand to the slide.  He was so sweet and played with her the whole time, taking her down the slide, helping her up the stairs and just holding her hand.  When we got home I asked her if she thought Ethan was cute and she said "Mom, Efan super cute!"  It was a small glimpse into the future and made me feel just a little emotional....I'm such a quack...
  • Whenever we ask her what she wants to name Little Sister, she always says "Sophie!"  We mentioned it to her once a while back and it's just stuck with her.  It's now a serious contender :)
  • She loves "singing songs" and her favorites  are "Follow" (Follow Follow Me) the verse where you roll your arms and "Popcorn Song" (Popcorn Popping).
Just had to write a few of those down while they were fresh....

Wedding Weekend

Crazy Chloe chillin in the back seat

Hangin' out with Aunt Steph while we were in the Sealing
In front of her beloved temple
Thanks Steph for watching her!
Saying "Roar" and being a monster
The new Mr. & Mrs. Partridge!
Most of the high school crew: Callie, Me, Jayne, Brooke, Kari and Kami

Playing "Gentlemen Games" at the reception

Glad to see someone else finally shove it ;)
The guys

The girls

Time for our traditional Spice Girls jam

LOVE these girls!

As you can see, Zane fits right in :)
What an amazing weekend!  First off, I just have to express how grateful I am that we were even able to go...if you read my previous post, you'll know that it was indeed a miracle that we made it up at all!  Friday morning we went to see the specialist and after getting the go ahead, we decided to head to my brother's house on Friday night.  I was still a bit groggy, but after sleeping most of the day, felt well enough to make the trip.  Saturday morning we were able to hang out with my brother and his cute family before heading out to pick up my little sister Steph on our way to the ceremony.
 We left Chloe with Steph and made our way to the temple entrance.  I love going to see someone sealed because it always reminds me of my own temple covenants and helps me feel closer to my Heavenly Father and to my own sweet husband.  Brookie looked so beautiful and the atmosphere was so peaceful-I'm so happy for her and Zane!  The rest of the day was completely perfect and the dinner/reception was absolutely lovely!  It was such a blast sitting around a table all night with all of my best friends, just chatting and catching up and thinking about life.  The reception was at the This is the Place Heritage Park and it was GORGEOUS!  It was outside in the beautiful backyard with a picturesque gazebo, lazy trees, horses and surrounded by mountains.  It literally took my breath away to watch the sun set through the trees while watching all of the wonderful people that I love so dearly....sigh...anyhow....the party really started when the root beer keg arrived and my besties and I had our traditional Spice Girl dance!  I was a little worried I wouldn't make it through, what with the dizziness and being pregnant (not everything stays in as tight as it once did), but I'm happy to report I was able to jam with my girls with minimal leakage :)
That night we stayed with Ronnie's brother Miles and his family, then the next morning we went to my cousin's baby blessing and luncheon where we were able to hang out with all the Northern Rimmasch's :)  That evening we returned to Miles' house for dinner and a movie night, which Chloe LOVED since she got to hang out with all of her cousins!  Thanks Miles and Lisa for being such awesome hosts! Monday morning we were able to stop by the hospital to visit our newest niece Anna Jane who was born early that morning and her Mommy Amy.  She was so adorable and you could feel the spirit around her so strongly!  It made me that much more excited to meet our own sweet little girl!  We left the hospital and drove to Park City to meet my brother and his family for some outlet shopping!!!  Though sadly we didn't see much of my brother, we had a good time and were able to get in some good shopping ( and it was very surprisingly pleasant with a 2 year old and my husband!)!  We spent about 5 hours there and that obviously isn't enough time, so then we drove down to IKEA and spent another hour and half browsing.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IKEA!  We left there around 8:00 and finally headed home :)  It was a fantastic Labor Day Weekend.  The End.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today my friend shared an article from a blog that she reads and I just had to share it too!  It was a beautiful post about the relationship between Mormons and creativity.  It was absolutely lovely and helped me to feel the Spirit and want to create something new!  I hope you'll read it as well....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Under the Weather...

A few of you may have heard that last week I was in the hospital and I know many of you are wondering about the details, so for the dual purposes of journaling and not having to repeat my story a bazillion times, here goes the nitty gritty.  This is how it went down:

Last Thursday, the 1st, I had a dr. appointment at 2:30.   I snapped a picture (27 weeks), loaded Chloe in the car and had the brief thought of "I really should've eaten/ had more to drink" and then I was off.  I dropped Chloe off at the bank with my mom, then headed to my appointment feeling slightly woosy and thinking "I really should've had  more to eat today" (I'd only had a grilled cheese for lunch).  Going up the stairs to the office, I started getting vertigo (when you turn your head to the side then turn back and the room takes a few seconds to catch up).  Had my appointment, everything was great and measuring perfect, then headed back to pick Chloe up.  At this point, the vertigo was getting REALLY bad.  I mentioned it to my mom before I left the bank and she gave me some trail mix to munch on until I could get home.  I got in the car and started to panic a little because I wasn't sure if I should be driving, especially with Chloe in the back seat.  I decided I'd better stop and grab something to eat, since I was pretty sure that was the source of my dizziness, so I pulled in to Taco Time, the whole time praying that we would make it home safely.  I sat in my car just past the drive through and chowed down on a crisp bean burrito and chugged a huge water.  I tested my vertigo and it was still there, but I decided I just needed to get home and figure it out from there.  I got on to the blvd and from there to where it meets up with River Road, I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out.  I was stopped at the light so I dialed Ronnie as quickly as I could and pulled into the closest shopping center.  By the time he said hello I could tell I was losing control of everything.  I could barely slur out my location before I parked  and started crying, not able to move.  Luckily Ronnie himself was just driving on the blvd and was able to get there within a few minutes.  I told him I needed to go to the ER, but he told me he thought my blood sugar was just low and that he'd help me to his car so we could get home (I know it sounds insensitive, but he later told me he was totally freaking out and was just trying to keep it together for my sake).  He started to pull me out and I told him to be ready to catch me because I knew that I would pass out if I moved.  I put my arms around his neck and he pulled up, but I didn't have any control and fell to the ground like a limp noodle (or worse, a limp pregnant woman).  We decided he'd have to pull me through the car to the passengers side, and luckily that worked.  Ronnie then decided to get me a soda and a cookie, still based on the blood sugar theory and on his way called Labor and Delivery.  When he got back I was in pretty bad shape, not able to lift my head at all and Chloe was in the back seat worried and saying "Mommy, ok?" over and over.  We made our way over to labor and delivery, with me still not able to move my head or hands, slurring my speech, unable to open my eyes without my world spinning.  Ronnie ran inside to grab a nurse and wheel chair and came back out to help me out of and park the car.  The nurse came to my door and started rattling off questions to which I tried to reply, but probably came out in some garbled form of what I was trying to get out.  She finally asked if I was strong enough to stand to which I could promptly answer no and started crying at the thought of even moving.  I think it took Ronnie and the nurse combined  to get me into the chair and then everything really started to get wonky.  I felt like I was in a movie scene where it shows what the person is seeing instead of actually showing them...I felt like my head was rotating and all I could see was my hair dangling, the cement and my shoes.  The nurse (Cathy) wheeled me up the ramp and right as we were getting to the door, I knew I had to vomit and told her as much.  I didn't think she believed me so I said "No, I'm going to throw up... right now." and then blah, all over me, my shoes, the ground, everywhere.  I felt so embarrassed that I couldn't control it.  It seems, looking back, that thresholds were not a good place for me because I threw up at every one that I encountered.  It was so awful and I kept mumbling "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry."  Ronnie came in the room with Chloe just in time to see me throw up all over myself again before they got me into the bed.  I was so worried that she would be traumatized, but she just kept saying sweet things like "Mommy sick?",  "Mommy, hug?".  The nurses then tried to get me into a gown and as they were trying to take my shirt off I had to tell them it wasn't going to work, but if they really wanted it off they would just have to deal with a shirt full of barf.  They backed off after that...  From there it was a lot of questions, an IV  (the best one I've ever had...definitely requesting Kristen for my IV when I have the babe) for fluids, having my blood drawn and monitors to check little sister.  I found that if I kept my head completely still with my eyes closed, I could handle the dizziness, but if I even slightly moved my head everything went out of focus.  Eventually they put some Zofran into my IV and that allowed me to open my eyes and move my head VERY slowly if I needed to.  An ultrasound tech came in as they were doing my IV to check on little sister, so that was exciting to get to see her and to double check that she really was a little sister (and she is), plus we got a roll of GARGANTUAN pictures of her.  The best part was when we were looking at her profile and she held up her hand, totally doing a thumbs up, as if to say "It's all gonna be okay mom!!".  My mom showed up around the same time they were doing my IV to take care of Chloe, and it was so nice having her support and strength to help me through (plus she got to be present for the ultrasound).  Eventually she left to grab us some food and we had a few moments to sit and eat saltines and drink some water....until I had to use the bathroom.  Total nightmare.  I had to sit up very slowly (with only my shirt and garment bottoms on) while keeping my head completely stationary, and be supported on both sides by Ronnie and a nurse.  We made our way there at a snails pace while the room just kept spinning (sorry to keep using that word, it's the best description).  I finally sat down, did my duty and was doing okay until the nurses made me sit there and wait...and wait until they could bring me some pants (I'm sure it wasn't intentional, it just felt like FOREVER in my condition).  After about 5 minutes I started to panic because the vomit feeling was starting to rise in me again, and after putting my pants on and making my way to the bed, it all came out again.  Luckily by then they had those handy little barf bags on hand (as pictured above) and it wasn't quite so messy.  At some point my OB came in and told me she suspected that I had an inner ear infection, known as Vestibular Neuronitis and that I would likely not be better for atleast a week, if not a month.  Punch to the gut...we were supposed to leave for one of my best friend's wedding the next morning.  I was then told that I could go home and that I would need to see a specialist in the morning.  My first thought was "Seriously????", I couldn't even move my head, let alone walk into a dr's office and sit patiently in the waiting room. I told my nurses my concerns and they were very kind and patient, and said that they would try to get me some different medicine to take the edge off.  While the nurse was away my mom came back to drop off some yummy soup and bread, but I was too afraid to eat it since I would be leaving soon and was pretty sure I would vomit on the way out.  Eventually my nurse came back with some stronger meds and pumped them into my IV, and said that we could stay for a half hour or so while it kicked in.  She also suggested that Ronnie run to the store to pick up my prescriptions before the pharmacy closed, so he left and I tried to settle in.  Too bad I had a crazy neighbor with a macho, chauvinistic boyfriend who kept telling her "Baby, you don't have the right to be scared," even though she was there being checked for preeclampsia, and my favorite was "I chose you baby, because you're strong" like she was a horse or something.  He also kept saying "If I could have this baby, I would.  I would do it baby, but I can't," which sounds sort of sweet, but not in the gangsta/thug way he was saying it.  Eventually her specialist came in and told her that she needed to quit smoking (she was farther along than I was) and that he knew she had an "anxious" personality, but that she needed to calm down for the baby's sake.  The worst part was that they had the cutest 5 year old little girl with them and that I knew she was going to be raised by these crazies and had no choice in the matter....seriously, they were that bad.  You can ask Ronnie.
Well, Ronnie made it back and then it was time to jump in the wheelchair was like a re-occurring nightmare.  Panic set in almost immediately at the thought of my brain turning to mush.  Ronnie ran ahead to bring the car around and the nurse wheeled me out while I took deep, slow breaths and clamped my eyes shut.  Of course by the time we got to the door, my sweet Ronnie was chatting with the security guard and had to bolt out when he saw us...such a chatty Kathy.  Miraculously I made it to the car without barfing and sat in relative comfort the whole ride home.   We made it to the house and Ronnie's brother Tim arrived shortly after to give me a blessing.  I felt so grateful to Ronnie for thinking ahead and having him meet us there, because I knew I needed a blessing and desperately wanted the comfort of the Priesthood.  Ronnie gave the blessing and in it I was told that I would heal quickly.  Tim left and we made one last trip to the bathroom before I was down for the night.  Ronnie was SO wonderful and slept on the little couch while I took up the big one.  He woke up every 3 hours or so to give me my medicine and was on call when I need some food or drink or a trip to the potty (Chloe slept at my Mom's, so thankfully we didn't have to worry about her).  Around 3:00 that morning, Ronnie woke me up to take my medicine and I realized I could lift my head without getting dizzy.  I sat up by myself...I stood up by myself...I all but walked myself to the bathroom!  I felt so much hope, but kept it inside, fearing that it was just the medicine keeping me grounded.  The next morning, I felt weak, but almost normal-my eyes were still very sensitive to light and I had to take it slow.  We went to the specialist (barfing bags in tow, just in case) where we were told everything was normal.  I didn't have an ear infection and if my symptoms were gone, I was healed.  I felt so relieved and so amazed that we had quite literally, been part of a miracle.  It was one of those cases where it can't be explained.  The specialist told us that he had never seen a case end in less than 24 hours like mine had.  We could tell by a few of the things that he had said that he was Mormon, so Ronnie shared our experience with him.  All he said was "Well, that's the power of the Preisthood", but was also quick to add "don't throw away your medicine just yet though..."  We were able to go home and rest most of the day while my amazing SIL Brooke took care of Chloe, and then that night, miraculously, we were able to drive up north for the wedding.  I know that the Priesthood and the power of prayer are real, and that they are gifts from our Heavenly Father.  I know that God loves me and that I was healed through his power.  I am grateful for his love and his sweet, tender mercy in allowing me to go to my friend's wedding.  Thank you to everyone who helped us, prayed for us and called wondering how they could help.  We love you all!