Sunday, September 25, 2011

Breakfast Surprise

This is what I woke up to Friday morning....

 Ronnie's special "action shot"
Friday morning Ronnie was getting ready to leave for an RC plane event in Lehi, so he took the time and surprised me with a french toast breakfast!  I've been craving french toast every day for a while now, so it was especially sweet (no pun intended...)!  The biggest surprise was that he was it on the heating element of the grill.  When I asked him what gave him the idea to go outside, he said "Well, I was enjoying the morning making it in the kitchen with the window open, when I thought, why not just make it outside???"  So there ya have it :)  It was such a picturesque morning with the sun shining over the fence, the sounds of breakfast cooking and my cute little family surrounding me. Chloe was a cute little helper and wanted to be by Ronnie's side the entire time.  I love that she always wants to help and be involved!  Ronnie also convinced me that he needed a new lens to take pictures of Little Sister with, so that's what these pictures were taken on :)  pretty impressive dear!  Ronnie had a blast in Lehi, but got SUPER burned!  He forgot his camera, so no plane pictures, but lobster face pics will be up soon!


The Stratton's said...

What lens did you get? :)

Lindsay said...

Oh that is so nice of him! Yeah what lens did you get? that's fun!

Alicia said...

Chloe is so adorable!