Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Shop...

Say hello to GlitchBusters!!!  Here's a little glimpse of what we've been working on the past four months in preparation for opening Ronnie's shop!  It's located on the Boulevard, by Cafe Rio on the other side of Nelson's Frozen Custard.  Framing, painting, tiling, wiring-we've been doing it all (well Ronnie and the men have been...)!  I'm so proud of Ronnie and admire his bravery in going forward with opening his shop!  I know he and Christopher will be a success!  Hopefully it will be open in the beginning of March!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Southern Utah Storm

I'm not the best photographer in the world, but I couldn't pass up capturing the beauty and strangeness of this storm.  I loved the different layers of clouds in the first picture, then seriously ten minutes later it was clear and had moved on, leaving a rainbow.  I love nature and how beautiful this earth is.  I love that our Heavenly Father created something so special and amazing for us!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Little Update...

 Avery's surprised face-she makes this whenever she gets startled

 I needed to clean the kitchen, so I gave Chloe some water colors and she went to town
 My cute nakie girls :)
 Chloe's first haircut in over a year....I am ashamed...

 Cute little Aves

 After! I thought it was so funny because when she started, none of her bites were touching, but as you can see she devoured it!
Lovin' life with my two little girls!  I'm not sure what the difference is, but things have gotten a lot easier lately. We're still as busy as ever, but things are running a little smoother.  Maybe it's the weather....Avery is smiling and cooing all the time.  She kicks like crazy in the bath and makes her little bouncer bob around with her little wiggles.  She's still our little piggy and eats up to 7 oz.  Chloe is AWESOME!  She is so hilarious!  Today after lunch she said "I'm all done feeding my body!"  She did so well while I cut her hair-she barely even moved (having Rio on in front of her might have had something to do with it...).  She loves watching Dora the Explorer and Yo Gabba Gabba.  She has I am a Child of God and Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam memorized.  She can sing most of her ABC's.  She begins a lot of sentences with "So Mom..." or "Let me tell you a story...".  I love watching her learn and be a goof ball :) We recently got a Chevy Tahoe and Chloe is IN LOVE with it.  She'll always say "Lets ride in the Tahoe" and when we get home she asks if she can stay in the Tahoe.  She'll just sit there, happy as a peach until she's ready to get out.  When her friends come over she says "Wanna see my Tahoe?"  It's hilarious.  Today she's been running around saying "I Fatman!!!!"  I'm guessing she's trying to say Batman....I like Fatman better.  Just barely she came into me and said "Get off the cuter (computer)!  1....2....4...NOW!  You in timeout!"  Love it! I can't believe she's only just over two and talking like a kindergartner. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Diaper Clutch/Changing Pad

A few weeks ago I got an invitation to my friend's themed baby shower.  The theme was "firsts" and my suggested first was "baby's first potty".  Initially I felt a little clueless, because I didn't want to get her a potty chair or something like that (that's what came to my mind, since I have a 2 yr old) since that was atleast a good two years away.  Eventually I settled on making her this Diaper Clutch/Changing Pad (I wish there was cooler name for it) and found a tutorial for it HERE.  This is probably the most challenging bit of sewing I've attempted and I was pretty excited with the results!  There were a few errors, but hey, it was my first time sewing bias tape or vinyl, so I'm feelin' pretty good about it!  The best part is, it only cost $13 to make!  Now I just have to make one for myself!