Sunday, March 27, 2011

Major Update

In January we learned that we would not be going to China.  Since we sold all of our  stuff in preparation for the move, we started looking at yard sales to replace everything.  We scored this table our first time out and started that day on refinishing it (it was a lot more banged up than it looks in this picture)

Chloe got RSV in January.  We had to take her to the Bronchialitis  Clinic at the old hospital three times a day to get her sucked out.  They literally sucked her out by putting tubes down her nose and vacuuming her out.  It was really sad because we had to basically tie her down and hold her head still-I felt like we were torturing her.  She would cry right when we walked into the room where they did it because she knew exactly where she was.  After a few days she calmed down a bit and would say goodbye and blow kisses to the nurses.  We took her three times a day for a week.  After she was all better from that, she got an ear infection because her immune system was down from fighting away the RSV, so the doctor gave us amoxicillin. 

Here's Chloe with her cousin Mailey after our family pictures at Sears.  If you look close you can see that Chloe has a little rash on her cheeks and looks really sleepy.  We thought for a while that she had the chicken pox, but it turns out that she had a reaction to the amoxicillin.  Poor girl.  She really got dragged through the mud this winter.  It looked really bad and was on her entire body, but it didn't seem to bother her very much.  She remained her happy little self :)

Here's Ronnie living out a boyhood fantasy courtesy of our dear friends the Strattons.  We had an awesome bbq at their house with yummy horseraddish potatoes.  We love you guys!

In this picture you can see more of Chloe's rash.

Chloe loves going to day care with me and especially eating snacks

This is how we spent meals while we waited for our table to be finished (thanks Dad)

Brookie and Chloe at Kari's baby shower!
Over President's Day weekend we got to go to Kari's baby shower-we are SO excited for her and Trent!  It was really great seeing old friends again!  I wish we would've taken a group picture!

Chloe LOVES babies and baby dolls!  She is so soft and cute with them and loves to give them kisses.  Whenever she holds a baby doll she has to have it wrapped up.

Cleaning out Mom's car.  She's such a good little helper.

Chloe also LOVES airplanes!  Her Daddy is turning her into a little geek and is so proud of it!  Ronnie keeps his planes in the garage, so anytime we go anywhere or come home, she yells "AIRMANE!!!!" and has to touch them before we go inside.  She has a toy airplane that she flies around while she makes airplane noises.  Anytime she hears any engine she starts yelling "AIRMANE!!!".  It's stinkin hilarious.

All ready to go swimming with friends!!!

We went swimming at the community center with the Strattons, but when we got there they were cleaning up after an "accident", so we played basketball while we waited.  The kids had a lot of fun playing with the balls and the adults had fun pretending to know what they were doing (atleast that's how I felt).

FINALLY after an hour of waiting we got into the pool, and wouldn't you know....Chloe hated it!  She was terrified and freezing and wouldn't let go of us.  Oh well-we still had a good time!

That same afternoon I did my little sister's hair for Preference and then later that evening did my sister in law's  hair for her Preference (dance).  Ironically, they both had the same pictures for a reference; sadly I didn't get a picture of Laura, but she looked gorgeous too.

She looks girly here, but Steph is also a fierce javelin thrower and just qualified for the BYU track invitational with a 98 foot throw!  Go Steph!!!  You're amazing!

Silly Chloe :)  She has been such a picky eater, something that has caused me a lot of stress.  All she wants to eat is Chef Boyardee and fruit snacks.  Well a few weeks ago she sat on her high chair (while on the ground) and broke her table off.  This week we put her up to the big table in her chair (so now it's more like a booster seat) and it has totally transformed her eating habits!  I guess she just wanted to eat like a big girl, because since then she has eaten everything we've given her (knock on wood)!  Hallelujah!

She adores vacuuming, sweeping, emptying the dishwasher and using a rag to wipe up messes!  If only she could stay that way forever!

Ronnie and I at his brothers wedding on March 11th

The happy couple-Tim and Ashlee!  We're SO happy for them and we love Ashlee (and Tim of course)!

After seeing all the wedding pictures I decided that I had WAY too much forehead goin' on, so I cut bangs that night after the dinner!  Much better!

Here is our gorgeous table!  The chairs are still in the works-I'll put pictures up when they're done.  I've since made a bulletin board and a burlap table runner.  Pictures to come.

Here's Chloe helping Ronnie put together a bed for our foreign exchange student Ayaka.  Chloe is totally into tools and fixing things.  Such a well rounded little gal ;)

With Ayaka at Krave getting frozen yogurt.  We've made sure to introduce her to all of the yummy, bad for you American food that we all enjoy.

Ayaka is from Japan and 17 years old.  She's from Tokyo and wasn't affected by the natural disaster.  We're only hosting her for 10 days, so we have to pack in as much as possible.

We've been keeping busy and doing well.  Ronnie is finishing his last semester for his bachelors and doing well with his computer business.  His clients LOVE him and are always sending him home with goodies and gifts, besides paying him.  He is such a bright and cheerful person, which is good since it balances out my naturally ornery self!  I love my job at the daycare and I'm so grateful that I can take Chloe with me and contribute to our income.  We are super excited for the spring and all the fun outdoor activities!  We already went camping with our family last weekend and had a blast-I'll post on that later!  Though the language barrier can be frustrating, we're having a lot of fun with Ayaka.  She is very sweet and fun and it's cool to see her vocabulary and understanding increase.  She's staying in Chloe's room and Chloe is sleeping in our room,which has gone surprisingly well.  Chloe is a total goofball and has an iron will.  She has a strong, stubborn personality at times, but is also very sweet and very soft.  She looks at books really well and like to have her toes painted and softly touch babies.  She has recently discovered markers and like to color on the table and herself while I'm not looking....

Somehow Chloe snuck a marker into the car with her and tattooed her self.  I didn't even notice until I picked Ayaka up from school and she kept saying "Chloe, Chloe" and motioning to the back seat!  I was totally shocked!  Silly girl!