Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Carving 2010

Well, we finally got around to pumpkin carving! I feel like this month has flown by and that we haven't done very many festive things, so I was grateful to get our carving on! This year I decided to use stencils for our pumpkins and I'm hooked for life now! I carved the coolest pumpkin of my life (Ronnie helped when my hands got too tired) and Ronnie did a really sweet one too! The picture with all of the pumpkins in order is : Mine, my Dads, Stephanie's, Chloe's, Ronnie's and Meg's. My Mom painted hers, so it isn't in the line up. We all had a great time, except for Chloe who had a total melt down when my Dad touched her with the pumpkin guts. She was definitely not a fan :( Maybe next year!

Last Halloween...

This Halloween! What a difference a year can make!

Friday, October 22, 2010

11 Months Old

I know I've been told this probably a bijillion times, but it's true. Kids grow up WAY too fast and our Chloe bug is no exception! She is SO goofy and full of personality! Here's a bit about Chloe:

*Pulling herself up on everything and since she's really tall for her age (or so the dr. tells me) she can reach a lot farther than I estimate, so she's a little trouble maker!
*She gives us kisses (when she feels like it)!
*She loves going down slides
*Still LOVES doggies
*Put both arms out (kind of like shrugging shoulders) when I say "All Gone" when she's done eating.
*Is starting to not be afraid of the vacuum
*Is having a bit of a hitting problem...
*Loves to talk on the phone and will say "Hu-doe" to her pretend phone (aka her hand). Whenever she hears a phone ring she says "Nana", because we usually call Nana.
*Walks around like crazy if you hold her hands
*Yanks out her pony tail and bow atleast 5 times a day
*Zones out just like her Mama :)
*Her favorite baby food is Bananas
*Her favorite big person food is Chef Boyarde
*Gives really good hugs
*Plays favorites and teases people when they want to hold her by holding really tight to the person that has her

I could seriously go on and on about this little girl! She is so darn cool and super smart! I love hanging out with her every day! She has been such a trooper since I started taking her to work (day care) with me and is really good at playing. She is my little buddy and I love her to pieces and know that her Daddy does too!