Friday, August 26, 2011

Chatty Chloe

Chloe has become a little chatterbox!  She said her first word around 9 or 10 months (besides Mama or Dada, not trying to brag...) and now at 21 months, speaks in sentences up to 7 words!  The craziest part for me, is that she's forming sentences around ideas all by herself!
  • Today she asked Ronnie "Thirsty Daddy?"  He said yes and that's why he had a cup.  She immediately responded "I thirsty too."
  • She was playing with her sippy cup and when she got the lid on exclaimed "Daddy!  Look it!  I put lid on!"
  • She LOVES the temple, so we took her there yesterday for a walk and treats.  As we were walking up to the front entrance, she looked up to the tippy top and said "Holy COooow Daddy!"  She always says "Temple, mommy daddy" because I told her that's where mommy and daddy got married.  We sing "I Love to See the Temple" every day and she has started sing her own rendition.  Super cute :)
  • We were driving the other day and I mentioned to Ronnie how I was soooo tired and Chloe immediately repeated " I sooooooo tired Mommy."  Now she says it whenever it's getting close to her nap and it cracks us up every time.
  • Ronnie threw her in the hair and she screamed and said "Daddy, scare me!"  Yesterday she ran into her rocking horse and it startled her so she said "It scare me!"
  • We're introducing her to Disney movies and so far the favorite by far is "Tangled".  She always says "Mommy, Flynn Ryder cute" and has started responding to the movie by laughing at the right parts or saying "ouch" when the characters get hurt.  She also loves "Cimerella" and "Frog movie (Princess and the Frog)".  When we sing songs from Tangled she always informs us "Tangle song!"  She asks to watch it every day, multiple times a day.
  • She says "Bless you Mommy" after I sneeze and will keep saying it until I tell her thank you.
  • If you tickle her or do something she doesn't like she'll say "STOP IT!" but I just have to cock my eyebrows at her and then she'll calmly say "Please stop it."
  • We have an ultrasound picture on our bulletin board in the kitchen and while we eat she'll frequently say "Baby sister sooo cute."
  • Tonight we were at my in-laws and Chloe sat at the piano with her cousin Audrey and played random notes, singing "twinkle star, twinkle star" over and over :)
She says various other things like "I wanna play blocks" or "Wanna play pony" or "Wanna wash hands", more every day stuff.  It's rare when she cannot express exactly what she wants.  We're so proud of Chloe and are amazed at what she learns every day!


Jen and Josh said...

this post just melts my heart... she is So adorable! and you're such a cute/fun mommy! perfect combination ;)

Jen and Josh said...

love the pics btw!

teresa said...

The laughing picture is so funny! She IS a chatty little girl, but it is fun to try to understand what she is saying.