Monday, January 4, 2010

Chloe is Six Weeks Old!

This is the only binky she'll take...luckily I just found them in a more flattering pink and purple

I can't believe our little girl is already six weeks old (last Saturday)! She is getting so big and is already starting to grow out of her newborn clothing! Here are some things we love about Chloe:

*She loves to stick her tongue out
*She's starting to find her voice and makes really cute cooing noises
*She'll only suck on a Soothie, even though she got the other kind in the hospital
*She loves having her hands up by her face and often has both of them around her bottle, like she's holding it. A lot of times when you hold her binky in her mouth she'll wrap both hands around yours.
*She's been holding her head up since day one, not even kidding, but she can hold it up longer now and gets the little bobble head affect going
*She farts so loud that I often think it's Ronnie
*She HATES riding in the car
*She'll be super upset and wont take a bottle or a binky and then after she wails for a good while, the bottle magically, instantly calms her down

Chloe is SO much fun and we love having her around! She's starting to sleep longer at night and is getting very interactive with us! We love her smiles :)


Fun Family Times said...

You got some great pictures, she is beautiful.

Sam, Kendra and Adi said...

6 Weeks I cant belive it! Adi would only take a soothie also untill maybe 3-4 months then we where done with them. i hopw thaqt everything is going great Chloe is so cute I with you the best this year

The Stratton's said...

Your newest "Our Little Family" pic is the BEST!

Nathan and Brooke LeBaron said...

Super cute! My sister had the cutest little holder to go with the soothie binkies...I will have to find out where she found it!