Friday, January 8, 2010

Bad Mom

Chloe HATES riding in the car. We put her in her car seat and she's all nice and happy, put her in the car and she wails-usually until we reach our destination and get her out of the car. Well yesterday was no different; I left my Mom's house put her in the car and the crying started...and lasted until we got home. I hurriedly got her out of the car and inside and lifted up the cover to find this:

My poor baby covered in spit up with her head bands over her eyes (you can't see it in this picture, but her arms were flailing all over the place). The post is titled Bad Mom because I left her crying and ran back out to the car to get my camera...I couldn't let the moment pass undocumented!


MaMa eNCHaNTeD said...

That's good you have come to terms witht the bad momdom...i have a few doosies that have been difficult for me to share for years. uuuggh Believe me it gets even better when you start getting more kids.

teresa said...

That is a sad little face.

Fun Family Times said...

I am glad that you took a picture, those are the little funny things that you forget.