Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today I Did Something

So the other day Target was having the best sale EVER on...it seemed...their entire store! I found deals galore! My favorite and most useful score was this awesome memory file box from Tiny Tales! As you can see in the picture above it has notecards that you 1) Mark the category-for the first time, hilarious, etc. 2) Write the date 3) Copy down the memory, then you file it in the box according to your baby's age! This one shows every couple of months, but mine includes every month. I am not a very good journal...er... so this product has been AMAZING for me! After you write down the memory, you file it and when you get pictures printed you can store the correlating picture behind the memory card! Ta da! Instant, easy scrap book whenever you're ready to make one-complete with date and details! They also have one for toddlers and one for when you're pregnant, so check em' out! LOVE IT!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Beef...that's what's for dinner!

Here is our adorable little Chloe with my Dad at seven weeks old in the sweater that Grandma Millie knitted for her! My Grandma is such a talented knitter! The booties were also hand made by Ronnie's cousin Stefanie! So many gifted people in our family!
My post is titled such as it is because I am proud to say that I've planned our meals for the entire week! And! I'm trying a new recipe for easy chicken cordon bleu (you can find it here- momswhothink.com) Slowly, but surely, I am getting closer to becoming a "real" stay at home Mom! It's been...interesting...being at home all day and trying to be a "self starter". I'm one who does better with a schedule, but it's getting better and I'm happy to report that I'm getting the hang of it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Heart Ross

WO....calm down! Ross is not another man! Ross is only my FAVORITE store ever because I find everything I need for A LOT cheaper! For instance, now that I have size 10 feet (courtesy of Chloe) and none of my shoes fit and I have flab to work off, I needed new tennis shoes. So off to Ross I went and not even five minutes later-voila! New tennis shoes (those beauties up above, but in pink) in size ten for less than half the retail price, all before Chloe could spit her binky out (if only that were true)! Sigh...thank you Ross.

Tin Foil Dinner Fun!

Arty and the infamously long LeBaron tongue
Who's pregnant now?

The fam and I were able to go hang out with the LeBaron Bunch (Ronnie's bro and sis in law) last Saturday night and make tin foil dinners! We had such a blast with all the kids and dinner was delish! Chloe loved her carrier for about two and half minutes and then I think she got closterphobic (and probably a tich hungry) and wanted out...oh well...maybe when she's older! After dinner Arty and Andrea left for a movie date and we got to stay and play with the kids! They're such an awesome family and we love them!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bad Mom

Chloe HATES riding in the car. We put her in her car seat and she's all nice and happy, put her in the car and she wails-usually until we reach our destination and get her out of the car. Well yesterday was no different; I left my Mom's house put her in the car and the crying started...and lasted until we got home. I hurriedly got her out of the car and inside and lifted up the cover to find this:

My poor baby covered in spit up with her head bands over her eyes (you can't see it in this picture, but her arms were flailing all over the place). The post is titled Bad Mom because I left her crying and ran back out to the car to get my camera...I couldn't let the moment pass undocumented!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody (5 days too late)! We didn't get pictures of everyone, but we had a fun and relaxing New Year in Pine Valley with our brother and sister in law-Nathan and Brooke, and their kids! We had pizza for dinner, played games, ate WAY too much junk food and stayed up WAY past our bedtime! Nathan and Brooke are amazing cooks so we had a delicious quiche and sticky buns for breakfast! Thanks so much for a wonderful time you guys! Poor Chloe didn't get in on the action much, but as ever, she enjoyed her swing :)
Here are some of our New Year's Resolutions:

Ronnie wants to:
*Lose twenty pounds by March
*Go camping atleast once this summer
*Read out of the Old Testament every day

Sam wants to:
*Lose twenty pounds by June
*Read the Book of Mormon twice this year
*Print pictures twice a month and put them in an ablum
*Make a quilt

Wish us luck!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Chloe is Six Weeks Old!

This is the only binky she'll take...luckily I just found them in a more flattering pink and purple

I can't believe our little girl is already six weeks old (last Saturday)! She is getting so big and is already starting to grow out of her newborn clothing! Here are some things we love about Chloe:

*She loves to stick her tongue out
*She's starting to find her voice and makes really cute cooing noises
*She'll only suck on a Soothie, even though she got the other kind in the hospital
*She loves having her hands up by her face and often has both of them around her bottle, like she's holding it. A lot of times when you hold her binky in her mouth she'll wrap both hands around yours.
*She's been holding her head up since day one, not even kidding, but she can hold it up longer now and gets the little bobble head affect going
*She farts so loud that I often think it's Ronnie
*She HATES riding in the car
*She'll be super upset and wont take a bottle or a binky and then after she wails for a good while, the bottle magically, instantly calms her down

Chloe is SO much fun and we love having her around! She's starting to sleep longer at night and is getting very interactive with us! We love her smiles :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chloe's Blessing Day

Today we were able to bless our little Chloe Ann and have a dinner celebration! We are so grateful for our sweet, beautiful daughter. She has brought so much joy, laughter, and love into our lives. We're so thankful we were able to bless her today.
Well, we made sure to feed her about an hour before so that she would hopefully sleep through sacrament meeting and the blessing, which she did :) Ronnie gave her a beautiful blessing and she didn't make a peep! They came back to the bench where I was sitting and she sleepily opened her eyes and then...PROJECTILE SPIT UP all over her dress and Ronnie's sweater! It was actually pretty funny; we were just glad she didn't do it all over the front row while he was holding her up!
(Side note: You'll notice she isn't wearing a headband in these pictures. She was wearing one until we gave her to Great Grandma Judy and Great Grandpa Dallas to hold-Grandpa pulled it back and saw that there was a "dent" in her head and took it off and massaged her head the rest of the meeting and wouldn't give it back until he talked to me about it! It was so sweet I just couldn't put it back on and will now be searching for softer headbands!)
After the rest of church we went to our neighborhood clubhouse and had Hawaiian Haystacks with the fam! It was a wonderful, special day! Thanks to all those who helped!
(Another side note: In the picture of our little family she was eating and would cry every time we took the bottle out, so we held it in until they said three and then pulled it out, so she's make a little sucking face in the picture...too cute!)