Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just Keep Swimming...

We were doing quite a bit of swimming at the beginning of summer, but things have settled down quite a bit for us since July started (in the swimming department anyway).  Chloe had a blast jumping into my arms from the side and has gotten quite gutsy with it.  She loves to have me scoot back and see how far she can jump.  She still freaks out if you try to teach her to swim.  Avery is a total water baby.  She's a kicker outside of the pool as it is, but she totally goes nuts in the water.  I usually hold her by the armpits and let her legs float out behind her to kick to her hearts content.  She likes the floaty too and usually slumps forward and tries to eat it.  I feel like right now, it's just TOO the heat could swallow you whole.  Once it cools off a little, I think we'll be back at it- especially since we'll be loosing the pool soon!

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