Tuesday, December 22, 2009

One Month Old

I can hardly believe that we've had our little girl for an entire month! We have been busy busy busy...even besides being new parents...so I hope you'll excuse me for neglecting our blog! We had Chloe right in sinc with Ronnie's finals and then we moved and are now trying to get everything unpacked, which is no easy feat when you have to feed, change, and otherwise take care of a sweet little baby! It's been very hard and stressful, but I can honestly say that we love being parents :D
Chloe is so much fun and already has a little jokers personality! She's always making faces and funny little noises. Every morning when we pick her up and release her from her swaddle she springs open and makes her wake up face and shoots her arms and legs straight out. It's so fun! Well I've got to go, I'll finish this post later!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Chloe Bug

Here is our precious new addition Chloe Ann LeBaron! She was born on November 21st, 2009 at 9:27pm. She weighed 8 lbs and 1oz and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. She is such a beautiful, sweet little girl and we love having her in our family :)

Here are some things we've learned about Chloe:
*She loves to be swaddled by her Dad (he's a pro!)
*She always has her hands up by her face
*She definitely has her schedule mixed up...she sleeps all day and is awake all night (I'm sure mine is the only baby like that....)
*I don't care what anyone says, this little cutie loves to smile...it could be gas...but I don't feel like it is! Come on, isn't that picture enough evidence???

I want to give a special thanks to my wonderful and loving husband Ronnie-he has been such a great help and a happy and proud Daddy. I love seeing him in action;he does everything from diaper changing to bathing to burping and swaddling. He's the best husband and Father I could ever ask for. I love you honey!
I would also like to thank my Mom and Mother in Law for all of their help, advice and support. My Mom stayed with us for the first three days, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking and taking care of Chloe through the night! It was such a BIG help! My sweet Mother in Law has also been by multiple times a week to help clean and take care of us and baby! Thank you to both of them for their special examples of what it is to be a Mommy :)

P.S. Isn't this picture adorable??? The talented Mr. Ronnie took it on Thanksgiving day :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

39 and a 1/2 Weeks Pregnant

Well folks...the bun is still in the oven! I've cleaned my entire house, cooked dinner almost every night, taken my state board exams, and now I'm just plain bored! I'm ready for this little girl to make her debut! In the meantime however, I would like to say how grateful I am to even be 39 and 1/2 weeks pregnant and to have had a very normal, very healthy pregnancy. Earlier this week this was not my attitude, but after much reflection and a cinnamon roll, I came to the conclusion that I'm very blessed to have carried her full term, let alone having her at all when there are many who can not.
So I thought I'd make a fun little post with our pictures so that you all can try and imagine what our little girl will look like! I know we're SUPER excited to see her little face and claim which parts are ours :D

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy 50TH Birthday Mom!!!

It's official...as of today, my dearest Mother is OVER THE HILL!!!!! I'm so glad that she's my Mommy! I'm grateful for the wonderful person she is and for the person she has helped me to become. She's kind of shy and she doesn't like people to make a big deal out of her, but I want her to know that she is very special to me and to everyone in our family. Here are some facts about my fantastic Mamma:
-She likes Rocky Road ice cream
-Her favorite disney movie (as recently revealed to me) is Sword in the Stone
-She is a very talented crochet-er
-She loves Pasta Factory and Cafe Rio beef salad
-She loves giving people gifts and making them feel special :)
I'm so thankful for my Mom and the wonderful example she is to me. I hope that with our little one on the way that I can be as great of a mother as she has been to me :) I LOVE YOU MOM!

P.S. Mom I want you to know that I looked all over my compi for the best picture of you I could find so you wouldn't get mad at me :) Love ya!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy *Late* Halloween!

I had a bun in the oven and Ronnie was the chef...dirty dirty...
A flapper girl, Sandy, an oven, and Amelia Earhart
My dead soccer player!
Chloe was a jack o lantern!
Happy Halloween!!!! We had a super fun and memorable Halloween! First off, I GRADUATED!!!!!! Hold out and maybe I'll get some pictures up of that.... Anyhow, after that my wonderful friend Jessica treated me to a pedicure! We had a blast, once we found the right place to go to...later that night Ronnie and I went to a Halloween turned into high school reunion (or so it felt like) party at the Miz's! It was a blast and great to see all of our friends! We hope everyone had an awesome Halloween!!!

PS The knobs on my oven are actually off of my mom's stove...she hot glued them on!!! I heart my Mamma :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Carving!

I cut my opening WAY too small....

Last night Ronnie and I carved pumpkins for FHE! I did a barfing pumpkin and he did a happy one-we'll put pictures of the finished product up when we get candles for them :) I know the bottom picture makes me look humungous, but Ronnie says that's how I'm supposed to look, so we'll just go with it :)
I had a Dr appointment this morning and everything is going great! I'm 50% effaced and dilated to a 1.5. He said the baby is baring down and he doesn't think that I'll make it to my due date, but we'll see!

Monday, October 26, 2009

35 Weeks

Here's a little belly update for ya'll! This is me last Friday, so a little closer to 36 weeks than 35, but oh well. Things are going just great-I graduate from hair school this Saturday and Ronnie is keeping very busy with work and school. I started my weekly visits with the Dr last week and was dilated a half cm and thinning out, so we'll see what my appointment brings tomorrow. All I really need is one more week and then she can come whenever she pleases! We are both doing well and are so happy and excited to welcome our little girl :D

Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Ronnie!!!

Hooray for the butt crack part!!!!
Happy Birthday to the greatest husband in the world who still has that adorable smile! I love you SOOOOOOOOO much Ronnie and so do many many other people! I can't wait to share the rest of our lives and beyond together and to watch you become a Daddy soon!

Ronnie's birthday was earlier this month and we had a blast!!! We went to Texas Roadhouse, had a couple of shindigs with the fam, and....he finally got a pin striped apron!!! I've seen lots of people do this, so I thought I'd give it a whirl...here are 24 reasons why I love Ronnie in honor of his 24 years :D
1. Ronnie has an infectious smile and laugh
2. Ronnie laughs out loud whenever he thinks something is funny and it makes me laugh too
3. He loves serving others and has a big heart
4. He has big dreams and is always working toward accomplishing them
5. He's a huge people person and makes everyone feel comfortable
6. He's not afraid to be a dork, no matter how many people are watching
7. He makes me brownies and waffles whenever I ask him to ;)
8. He knows everything about computers and if he doesn't, he immediately finds a tutorial
9. He's very passionate about someday owning a motorcyle...honda shadow to be precise
10. He's fascinated by airplanes and stops to look every time one flies overhead
11. He trusts everybody
12. He'll always be a kid
13. He tries to make friends with all the babies at church
14. He'd much rather hang out with a bunch of little kids than adults
15. He's very good at remembering details and regurgitating them
16. He's an amazing photographer and makes his clients feel like old friends
17. He has a gift for languages and speaks Chinese very well
18. He will stalk an Asian just to find out if they speak Chinese
19. He listens to me and values my opinion...even if I have no authority on the subject
20. He works really hard to make sure that our every need is taken care of
21. He loves teaching and is wonderful at it
22. He's very creative with Christmas and Birthdays
23. He'd listen to Christmas music year round if he could
24! Ronnie wants to be the best person he can be and is always trying to evolve into that person

I LOVE YOU RONALD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Pleated Poppy GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!

The Pleated Poppy GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! It's been a while since I went to my favorite crafty site Grosgrain to check things out, but I clicked on over tonight and was excited to find this craftiness going on! I really admire skilled seamstresses and dream of being one someday (I actually did a top secret crafty surprise tonight...) and was impressed with these! Little flowers and a checkbook holder!!!! So there it is...go check it out!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Only 10 Weeks Left...

Well here I am with Ronnie and my Dad, and can you believe it? They're 30 weeks along too! We had a doctor appointment on Friday and had another ultrasound so that we could know for sure what we're having and it's....%100 a girl!!! I also had my blood glucose test and it was a close one-I scored 135 and gestational diabetese is at 140! Yikes! So looks like I have to watch what I eat a little more, especially since she is measuring farther along than I am. The doctor said I was at 29.5 weeks and her head was measuring 31 weeks and her legs (which he did a double take at and asked how tall Dad was) were measuring 32 weeks! Sigh...maybe I will take that epidural after all...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Well it's a little late to be posting this, but Ronnie and I celebrated our two year anniversary on August 10th! We slept in, went shopping (we were both in desperate need of some new clothing) and then went out to eat at Made in Brazil, which was serisouly delicious.
A lot has happened in our second year of marriage:
-I started hair school
-We lost our jobs, moved, and Ronnie started supporting us all by himself (thanks honey!)
-I worked at HR Block and went to night school
-I chopped all of my hair and had about five different hair colors
-We went to Disneyland
-We got pregnant (that sounds negative, but it's really positive)
-Ronnie got his associates
Okay...so maybe not that much happened, but I feel like we've really grown up and closer together through our trials and blessing. I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father who loves and blesses us each day and allows us to be witness to his many miracles. I'm so thankful for the wonderful, loving husband he has blessed me with and for the opportunity to be a Mother to one of his precious children. I have a testimony that God is a loving God, and that if we follow his commandments he will bless us :) Thanks to all of you that have blessed and shared with us throughout our marriage!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Baby Shower

Last Saturday I had my first baby shower hosted by my lovely sister in laws and mother in law! It was SOOOO cute and so much! We had a tasty dinner, made cute bow boards (as seen above) and opened presents! Thanks so much for all of the lovely gifts! I'm so excited to use them and really hope that we really are having a girl :D And even if we don't, I really loved learning how to Mod Podge (note: it is MOD Podge, not Modge Podge. I know...sad)! I love these ladies! Thanks again!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby Eggplant

Well, back by popular demand...drumroll please....baby is an eggplant!!! We had an appointment on Thursday and everything is on right on track! Sorry that I haven't posted for a while-On Wednesday morning I woke up feeling flu sick and ended up staying home from school on Thursday. Thursday afternoon I had a head ache (in fact my whole body ached), cough, sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, and a fever of 101.5, so we went to Instacare. They checked me out, stuck a que tip down my nose and throat and sent me home with a prescription for Tamiflu. I ended up missing school the rest of the week and am still resting, but feeling much better :D In pregnancy news
1. I've gained 15lbs so far
2. I'm sleeping better because the Dr. assured me that it's okay to sleep on my back and my right side
3. She is moving around like crazy!!! It makes me wonder if she EVER sleeps and if she plans on keeping up this schedule once she's out.
4. She has this special move she does where she rubs a limb or some other body part across the whole front of my uterus so hard that it makes me jump
5. Ronnie is SUPER duper excited and constantly rubs my belly and points it out to whoever we're talking to...it's pretty cute :) (I'm SUPER duper excited too by the way)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Little BBQ

It's been a while!!! We're doing just great-just going to work (for Ronnie), school (for me), and growing (for Chloe). Hopefully I'll be graduating toward the end of October, but only if I'm there EVERY day and I go to night school twice a week...so we'll see. Somehow we find time for a little play, so here's a couple pictures of our yummy little bbq we had. Definitely get Montreal Steak Seasoning for your burgers (thanks Nate and Brooke!) Isn't my hubby cute :D
PS I took both of those pictures...aren't you proud???

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 21-24: Baby Papaya

Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's a............

Well actually....everyone that voted was right-almost down to the exact percentage! We are having a 70% girl!!! Woo! What does this mean? This means that the umbilical chord was right smack dab between the legs, so the doctor couldn't be 100% sure. He said "I don't see much there, and those two lines look like what could be vaginal lips, but I can't say for sure. I would say I'm 70% sure that it's a girl." So there you have it.....if it's 70% girl, there's a 30% chance that it could be a boy, so everybody on the poll wins!!! We'll get another ultrasound in eight weeks, but until then we're just going to go with it being a girl!

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Lovely Baby Bump

Well folks, here it is! Our little baby bump! This picture was taken early last week, so around 20 1/2 weeks. This is also my first maternity outfit!!! The shorts are amazing-they're the secret fit kind and they are so comfy! I definitely recommend them!
I've been feeling just great, though it is getting a little harder to bend over and on Sunday my feet looked like giant sausages. Since my stomach has really started to show, reality is setting in a little more, so we bought our first pack of diapers! I know! We got huggies because we really have no clue, so I want to ask all of you moms out there-which diapers are your favorite??? Leave a comment please!!!

Baby Banana

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
My poor baby will be eating Cherry Poptarts and Captain Crunchberries.

Goodbye Mander

Well, I'm sending off another missionary! Amanda will be serving in the Russia Moscow mission and leaves for the MTC on Wednesday. She is such an amazing girl and friend, and I know she'll be an incredible missionary! We'll miss you! From left to right: Kari (who is now officially engaged!!!), Brooke, Amanda, Callie, and Big Mamma Sam. Seriously. I look huge in this picture.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby Cantaloupe

We've reached the halfway mark and baby is definitely a cantaloupe this week...with arms and legs that like to kick and punch! Last night I was relaxin on the couch with my legs up when I felt a little nudge, so I called for Ronnie to come over and see if he could feel it. He put both of his hands on my tummy and within seconds our baby gave him about four hard kicks right in a row! It was so crazy! It totally knew it's Daddy was there, because when he took his hands off it stopped! It was such a special moment and I've never seen Ronnie with a bigger smile on his face! It kept moving around for about a half an hour after that-it was SOOOOOOOOOO cool! Only 11 days until we find out what we're having-get your vote in!!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh my hairy egg!!

Sunday night, we made brownies - I know, brave huh! But it got even more courage-demanding when it came time to gather ingredients and tenderly mix them together into a dreamy concoction and Ronnie reached into the egg box to pull out an egg, when lo-and-behold, there were chicken remains on it! Yipes! I cringed and made a beautiful face, which Ronnie later let me know was not really. Following is a picture chronicle of the disastrous event.

PS - account retold by Ronnie :D

Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby Mango

This week I have a mango inside of me! Not a whole lot going on in development this week (according to this website) and not a whole lot to report on the pregnancy, which I suppose is a good thing! We're going to start looking into prenatal classes...I'm about 98% sure that I want to have a natural birth and have had suggestions to look into the Bradley Method and Hypnobirthing. I also want to take the regular class, just so we can get the full spectrum of information. My tummy is getting big and I definitely am showing no matter what I wear! I'll put a picture up soon!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

mmm...mmm...good :)

all right, here's the plan.. you grab the blue ones and we'll split!

look uncle ronnie, SUGAR!

i had nothing to do with it mom, i swear

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where has the time gone???

Alright...I've been good about updates on the baby, but the rest of our life has been kind of skipped over...which is probably how it's going to be from now on ;) Anyway, here is a sampling of our life for your viewing pleasure.

The killer haircut I gave Steph with a sweet spike!
Ronnie and me at the Sugarloaf aka Dixie Rock

Me and the baby fitting in a really little hole...we'll try that in a couple months

Our last morning with Ahyoung....sniff...it was so sad to say goodbye...even though we're smiling

Dusty (in his women's wranglers) and me on theme day

Ronnie and Eric making Jiao Zi at our Chinese Night

Colby and Ronnie with their "Man Mug" rootbeer floats (also called a pickle jar and a water piture)

Colby's Man Spoon (also called a soup ladle)

Kara and me on the morning of her farewell. I went over early to spend some time and do her hair. She'll be serving in the Tampa Florida Spanish speaking mission. We'll miss her!

We hope everyone is having a fantastic summer!