Well here I am with Ronnie and my Dad, and can you believe it? They're 30 weeks along too! We had a doctor appointment on Friday and had another ultrasound so that we could know for sure what we're having and it's....%100 a girl!!! I also had my blood glucose test and it was a close one-I scored 135 and gestational diabetese is at 140! Yikes! So looks like I have to watch what I eat a little more, especially since she is measuring farther along than I am. The doctor said I was at 29.5 weeks and her head was measuring 31 weeks and her legs (which he did a double take at and asked how tall Dad was) were measuring 32 weeks! Sigh...maybe I will take that epidural after all...
It's official! I'm going shopping as soon as possible... not tomorrow as I would like... next month though. Yipee! You look fantastic for 30 weeks. Way to go.
So exciting I just cant believe it!!!! Keep us all updated love ya and wish you three the best of luck!!!!!
Wow! 30 weeks, that is always a big moment to count down weeks. We are so excited for you, you look great!
hey that is so exciting. wow 10 weeks will go so fast... and then no more sleepy nights. this was the time when i had carter and kyle. crazy. so excited for you. yay for a girl.
10 weeks doesn't seem like very long at all!
Look at how cute you are!! I am way excited for you guys. 10 weeks wow that will be over before you know it!!!
Take the drugs! hahahahah
I'd take the epidural if i were you! Your belly is so cute....congrats you guys! Girls are fun and we should know we have three!
Don't give in Sam! You can do it without the drugs :O) it's so much better for you and the baby you'll even recover faster if you can believe it. I believe in you!!! You are so freakin cute i love the bellies, shawn still hasn't had his baby for some reason. I guess it takes longer with the guys hahaha
YAY! 30 weeks!! You look so good!
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