We've reached the halfway mark and baby is definitely a cantaloupe this week...with arms and legs that like to kick and punch! Last night I was relaxin on the couch with my legs up when I felt a little nudge, so I called for Ronnie to come over and see if he could feel it. He put both of his hands on my tummy and within seconds our baby gave him about four hard kicks right in a row! It was so crazy! It totally knew it's Daddy was there, because when he took his hands off it stopped! It was such a special moment and I've never seen Ronnie with a bigger smile on his face! It kept moving around for about a half an hour after that-it was SOOOOOOOOOO cool! Only 11 days until we find out what we're having-get your vote in!!!!
Oh you looked soo cute at church! Im so excited for you! i cant wait find out what your having!!
k we need a belly picture!!!!!!!! Well i least i do.
geeze louise Sam!! I'm way excited for you guys. What are you wanting - boy or girl?? Eithe way your babies are going to be stinking cute!! LOVE the post about the furry egg!! (I don't know if I could be a big enough sport to pose for a picture!)
I think it is going to be a boy, thats my vote.
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