Well, back by popular demand...drumroll please....baby is an eggplant!!! We had an appointment on Thursday and everything is on right on track! Sorry that I haven't posted for a while-On Wednesday morning I woke up feeling flu sick and ended up staying home from school on Thursday. Thursday afternoon I had a head ache (in fact my whole body ached), cough, sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, and a fever of 101.5, so we went to Instacare. They checked me out, stuck a que tip down my nose and throat and sent me home with a prescription for Tamiflu. I ended up missing school the rest of the week and am still resting, but feeling much better :D In pregnancy news
1. I've gained 15lbs so far
2. I'm sleeping better because the Dr. assured me that it's okay to sleep on my back and my right side
3. She is moving around like crazy!!! It makes me wonder if she EVER sleeps and if she plans on keeping up this schedule once she's out.
4. She has this special move she does where she rubs a limb or some other body part across the whole front of my uterus so hard that it makes me jump
5. Ronnie is SUPER duper excited and constantly rubs my belly and points it out to whoever we're talking to...it's pretty cute :) (I'm SUPER duper excited too by the way)
I hope you are feeling better. It is no fun to be sick, but when you are pregnant it is harder because then you have to worry about your baby too.
hope your not to sick but i would like to see another picture of your belly. thanks.
So I've been thinking a lot about you and your prego belly. I was thinking the name CORBINITLY would be perfect! ;) love you loads
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