Saturday, August 18, 2012

A New Addition...

SO So so excited that we FINALLY got a piano!!!  This piano was truly Heaven sent, and I'm so thankful to my husband for listening to the Spirit.  It has already been such a blessing in our lives and brought our family so much joy.  About three weeks ago, we were making our usual morning drive out to Ivins to work on our house.  We'd passed about a gajillion yard sale signs up until that point, but suddenly Ronnie said (after seeing yet another one), "I feel like we need to go to this yard sale."  He hadn't said anything about the other ones, so I told him we better go have a look.  We pulled up and it didn't look like anything special.  Ronnie suggested we just keep going, but I told him to at least get out of the car and see what they had.  He quickly came back and I was expecting to just leave, but instead he excitedly told me that they had a piano and they were selling it for only $300!!!!  It was in the garage and all wrapped up from being in storage, so we never would've known had he not ventured inside.  They unwrapped it, we tested it out and were in love!  We arranged to come back that evening when we were done working and voila, the rest is history!  Chloe loves to sing while I play primary songs, or sit and make up her own version while she sings I am a Child of God.  Avery gets super excited whenever I play and flaps and slaps her little hands around.  Love it.

1 comment:

teresa said...

I guess you got your wooden piano for your wooden anniversary?