Thursday, July 7, 2011


 The only way Chloe would let AJ touch her
 Cruisin' with Dad on the "sicle" (Chloe's word for bike or motorcycle)
 Hangin' out with Great Grandma Millie
 Feelin' like a big girl with Aunt Meg
 Lovin' on the kitties...hopefully she doesn't inherit my allergy to them :(
 Papa and Nana with their girls :)
 Little Alec hitching a ride with his cousin Kalob
Favorite activity of the day: running up and down the trailer
Twice a year my Dad's side of the family meets in the middle at my uncle's house in Fayette-on Memorial Day and Halloween.  The reason for the title is because whenever I say "We're going to Fayette"...people always ask "New York?".'s in Gunnison.  It's a quiet little town with beautiful weather and not much to do besides be with the people you love.  This trip was interesting because A) we were announcing the new baby and it was cold so Chloe had to wear a jacket over her Big Sister shirt and B) Chloe barfed all over her car seat as we were pulling into the Cheese Factory because she was swallowing fruit snacks whole. Thankfully I thought ahead and didn't have her in her Big Sister shirt that nobody saw anyways :)  Once we were there though, we had a blast bbq, playing with cousins and catching up.  My Grandma even helped me finish the baby leggings we started knitting a year ago for Chloe, that will now be for the new baby.  We love spending time with family, especially our Northern members that we don't see very often!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Sounds like so much fun! Your family is adorable..