Friday, July 8, 2011

Our Cute Chloe

Chloe loves having bows and pretty things in her hair and is really good at keeping them in
Whenever we go to Nana's house she begs to go outside and jump and will start trying to jump before she ever gets on.

Chloe LOVES bubbles and Elmo.  Whenever she see bubbles she repeats "Bubbles?  Bubbles?" until someone takes her outside to blow bubbles.  Here Elmo shirt is her favorite and she picked it out all by herself at Target.

Chloe still sleeps with her binky and gets to have it on long car rides.  I don't know when I'll have the courage to ween her off of it since she automatically goes to bed when she has her binky.

I was afraid she wouldn't love swimming this summer since the Community Center pool scared her so much, but she's been  a little fish at the neighborhood pool!  We try to go a couple of times a week.  She doesn't like to sit in her floaty anymore, but instead likes the arm floaties.

Here's Chloe with her favorite Elmo that she just HAD to have when she saw it (I swear I don't spoil her...) and her pretty hair :)  

Chloe LOVES driving the car with Mom and Dad around the block or to the pool.  She gets in and turns the wheel, says "Beep beep car!", and turn all the buttons and knobs.  This is her Little Lord Fauntleroy haircut...the bangs were just a little too blunt...

Swinging is right up there with jumping.   She raises her arms in the air and say "wee" or "yee haw".  When she says it, it sound more like "wing" than "swing" and always ends with a question mark.

This is Chloe's favorite hiding place and a great source of entertainment when I am busy doing something with the computer aka time wasting.  She'll sit down, scoot all the way back, say "see ya" and then very carefully shut the door, making sure not to squish her fingers.  She's always been very good about not squishing the fingers in doors or drawers (it's the cupboard where the tower should be, but Ronnie works on it all the time, so it's empty).

This is another form of amusement for her when we're in the computer room or "Daddy's room".  You can find her playing with rubber bands, old cds, sticks of ram, and screw drivers.  I'm not lazy, I'm just helping her to learn about computers :)

Chloe is now 19 months and is busy, busy, busy!  Here are some things she's been up to:

  • She has started climbing!  She has never been interested before, but now I find her on top of the table, on the couch and trying to scale the bookcase
  • She LOVES books!  She has started bringing me books in the middle of the day to read and likes having a few in the car.  Books keep her entertained in sacrament meeting and she likes reading them in her own language.  Her favorite books are Winnie the Pooh and she can name all of the characters (Pooh, Tigger, Eyore,  Piglet).  Elmo is her other favorite.
  • Chloe has started talking in sentences "Where Daddy go?"... "I did it!"..."Daddy's turn"..."Ouchy bum"..."I want one"..."Mommy car"..."Cars get you!"..."I love you Elmo"...She gets excited to eat in the morning and at night and will say "Breakfas!" and "Ninner!"  She's always coming up with new words and sentences!  Many times she'll look me right in the eyes and repeat the same word over and over again, but I can't figure out what she's saying and gets really frustrated.
  • She is deathly afraid of moving vehicles.  You may think this is a good thing, but it's definitely a double edged sword,.  It's good for obvious reasons, but it makes it hard when we need to walk down the street or through the parking lot into work because she'll get hysterical, grab both of my legs and start yelling "Mommy!  Cars get you!  Get you!"  until I pick her up.  I'm not exactly sure where this phobia came from, but I'll take it!
  • She still loves babies :)  She always wants to hold them and will clap her hands and extend her arms then try to pick them up (thankfully she tries to do it the correct way and not by their heads).  She always says "hi baby" or "baby sad" and loves to push dollies in strollers and wrap them up and hold them.  She'll be a great big sister, if not a little overbearing ;)
  • She is getting much more friendly to new people and being more social with kids.  
  • Reverse psychology works amazingly well on in every time.  Think of any situation and it works -"I don't want to change your diaper" she  comes running..."I'm gonna eat it" she takes a bite... "My Daddy" she runs to him..."I'm gonna pick up the blocks" she gets to work...I'm totally lovin' it!  I hope she doesn't figure it out for a while!
  • She is still a little snuggle bug and gives the best hugs and kisses (and if you're Nana you get EXTRA long kisses for some reason).  We read a book and I rock her to sleep every night (unless Ronnie does it) and get a little teary eyed that someday she'll be all grown up and I wont get any more Chloe snuggles.
  • She's started dancing and does the funniest little side to side rock movements.  She loves to dance with Meg and Steph when they play it on the Wii, but only if she has a num-chuck.
  • She's a lot less picky than she used to be!  She'll eat almost anything we give her, including fruits and veggies!  Hooray!  One day she just started taking longer naps and eating everything in sight, so I'm thinking I have a growth spurt to thank :)
  • Her favorite toy right now is her blocks.

We love our little girl to bits and she keeps us laughing and loving every day!  She is seriously THE sweetest girl and always remembers her please, thank yous, excuse mes, and bless yous (blessy!)!  She amazes me every day with her capacity to love and learn and teaches me something new every day!  We love you Chloe Ann!


Lindsay said...

She is so stinking cute! I'm so excited for you guys about your "big sister" news! I thought that was an adorable way to tell the family... I'm going to steal the idea.. not anytime soon of course ;) haha

Tim, Steph and Jaerick said...

I love ALL thr pictures and stories! And I am so happy for you having another little one add to your family! Congrats! Love all the posts!

Meghan said...

Aw, your baby isn't a baby anymore! Is that totally weird to think about?

teresa said...

Wow Sam, you made up for not updating for so long! Thanks for catching me up.

Jen and Josh said...

she is getting so big! and she is as adorable as ever :) I love hearing about the things she does. congrats on the new baby as well!

Lauritzen Lovin' said...

Chloe is such a doll! Love her and your lil' pumpkin too! Can't wait to find out if she'll have a new brother or sister :) It was so good to see you while we were in UT. Thanks for always making the effort to get together.