Saturday, February 7, 2009

Funraiser Kickoff at Paul Mitchell

Brandi, Sara, Morgan and me...hippie style.
My Learning Leader Julie and me in my Mom's vintage bell bottoms...oh ya...
Micky and Me
Kayla and a confused me playing Sing Star

Every year my school kicks off a "fun"raising season starting in February and ending in April. We have fundraisers weekly and give all of the proceeds, along with every Paul Mitchell school, to 5 different charities: The Larry King Cardiac Foundation, Cancer Shmancer, The Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation (for people living with depression) Food 4 Africa, and Leeza's Place (A support group/home for people with chronic illnesses). Just another wonderful reason why I love Paul Mitchell!
For the kickoff the theme was Love, Peace, Give, so we dressed up like hippies, tie dyed shirts, played Sing Star/Dance Factory, had yummy food, and listened to a conference call to get us totally jazzed! It was a blast!


MaMa eNCHaNTeD said...

Awesome pix, i have Isaac on my lap and first thing he says is "Ronnie" and he saw a pic of you and says "funny". Looks like you guys are having waaay too much fun.

Anonymous said...

Sam I never knew you were soo amazing at "Sing Star". You totally rocked it! Annnnnd I think you should wear those pants more often. They were like the next new thing. I just know these things.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you...