Saturday, February 28, 2009

Caper Las Vegas Baby!!!!!

Destination: Mandalay Bay
Road trip buddies: Micky and me
Ariella and Amanda
The sick leopard/animal print truck and camper...I'm sure they were on their way to Nascar
Zoltar...Like in the movie BIG with Tom Hanks
Violeta lipstick from Mac and Micky's mustach
Micky, me, and my room mate Stacey at The Cheesecake Factory
The masses of people pushing to get into the general session...I seriously could've lifted up my feet and hung there. It was packed and when they opened the doors they made the announcement that if you ran you'd be sent back because they didn't want anyone to get trampled...ya...hard core. There were over 2,000 future professionals there.
The humongous stage and room that we had the general session in
Waiting for the session to start
Micky and me
Winn Claybaugh...he is an extraordinary motivational speaker! So inspiring :D
Robert Cromeans aka crazily dressed man/incredible famous hair dresser. He's Scotish, give him a break! He's the owner of ARCS salon in Mandalay Bay.
The man himself, John Paul Dejoria!
Angus Mitchell, the son of the late Paul Mitchell
Our school with Winn, JP, and Angus
Me, STEPHANIE KOCIELSKI, and Stacey. Stephanie is an incredible hairdresser and completely my mentor! I LOVE her! My color class was with her too! AH!
Me, Su (my school's director) and Stacey
Tired me and Micky at the end of the second day
Stacey, Scott Cole and me. He is also a famous hairdresser and a wonderful teacher! He taught our cutting class.
My updo for our Styling class taught by Noogie and Kevin Michaels
Other up do :D

Holy cow!!! Caper was SO so incredible and the experience of a lifetime! There were over 2,000 future professionals from aross the nation! The first day was all free time, the second day we had a "general sesson" with all the superstars of hair: Robert Cromeans, Stephanie Kocielski. Linda Yodice, Scott Cole, Angus Mitchell, Takashi (whom I did meet, but he was wearing a scandalous shirt, so I didn't post the picture), Noogie, and then Winn Claybaugh and JP Dejoria were there too! AH! That night we had a hollywood glam themed party and the next day was filled with classes! I totally made out like a bandit too: I got 3 mannequin heads (seriously $60 each) and tons of free product! YES! It was most definitely worth selling all of the bags, but I was happy to come home to my sweet hubby Ronnie. I just kept thinking "this would be SO much more fun if Ronnie were here". Anywho, thanks to everyone that bought bags from me and helped me get to Vegas!


Fun Family Times said...

That looks like a lot of fun and learning! I am glad that you had fun. I told my girls that when we go down this summer we could plan to go and have you cut their hair!

Anonymous said...

SAM! I love you! Seriously dude, caper was amazing. Thank you for being my Bestie, and I already miss you in day school.

THE HILLS said...

I'm so excited you got to meet all those amazing people! Doesn't it make you love Paul Mitchell even more! And isn't Angus M the hottest guy (besides our husbands) in the world! (Paul knows I feel this way so it's okay. haha) I love Noogie--he does some crazy awesome stuff with hair. He's so small, at the Gathering he had to stand on a chair to work on the models :) I know how you feel about being trampled--there's something about PM that we are all crazy'd think that adults wouldn't trample eachother to get seats--you know everyone runs against all's just the enthusiasm that Paul Mitchell brings out in us. Looking at your pictures made me feel so nastalgic. I miss all that fun stuff!!! Congratulations to all of you who earned your way to be there. I think that's awesome!

MaMa eNCHaNTeD said...

I love the new picson your header. adorable. looks like you hadda lot of fun.

Meghan said...

Oh my giddy aunt, you met THE John Paul from the commercials!

{brady+sarah} said...

SAM!! I really do miss you in day school!! but I'm soo excited that we can be blog friends now!!!