If you've ever watched LOST and you hadn't been following it, that is quite literally what you were, totally lost because the story/plot line is so unbelievably complex and involved, so the only thing to do is either forget you ever watched it or go and rent all of the seasons and start catching up; Ronnie and I did the latter.
So we spent Friday night with Schmeck and watched about 7 episodes into the wee morning hours with a pan of brownies and a bag of swedish fish by our side (which, may I submit, was not the brightest idea when I had school the next morning...). Then Saturday night Ronnie and I told ourselves that we would only watch 1 episode, but ended up watching about another 7...gulp...we are such couch potatoes... Anyhow, we only have two episodes left in last season and then we'll be all caught up and ready for the next one on Wednesday! Woot!
If you haven't seen LOST, my advice would be not to start so that you wont get crazy addicted like we did...it's not worth it man...or is it??? DUN DUN DUN!
I'm so hooked on that show! Once you start you can't stop. ;)
okay so i REALLY hope you remember who i am! because if not, i will be super emberassed! anyways, this is stefanie (carlson), i just saw you blog and wanted to say hi! if i am reading right, you married a hurricane boy? me too! gotta love 'em! anywho. please remember me, or i will feel dumb!
Thanks for the advice.
yeah hurricane boys are the best for sure! i have been good! what about you? it's crazy the people who have gotten married/had babies!! i was just talking to Lindsey (paddock) about it yesterday! her baby is almost 7 mo.!! weird!
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