Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Avery, Months 9 & 10

I am SUCH a slacker!  I feel terrible that I didn't get a post up for Avery's 9th month, so I'm going to combine 9 and 10.  I don't have pictures up because our computer is currently not hooked up (it's FINALLY back from Ronnie's computer shop).  I do have lots and lots of pictures from the exact date of her 9 months birthday because we were at Lagoon, so look forward to those!

  • At 9 months Avery is not even remotely interested in crawling or rolling.  She will very rarely roll from her back to her stomach, but then she gets stuck and MAD.  She'll scream and scream until someone turns her over or she'll give up and put her head on the ground.  She can bend really far over her kneed and usually reach whatever it is she needs.
  • At her 9 month check up I expressed concern (though very mild), that Avery wasn't attempting to crawl.  Dr. Walker did some exercises with her, that made both of us laugh.  She pick Avey up and tried to have her stand, but she shot both legs out into sitting position and hung there in the air.  It was hilarious.  She finally got her to stand by pulling her off her bum into position.  She tried to put her into a crawling position on her hand and knees, but she took a nose dive instead.  With a little chuckle she said the strength was there, but the motivation was not and not to worry.  Why move when you can sit and have everything brought to you???
  • Her nasty cough returned and she has snot or is stuffed up most of the time.  She's had a cough on and off since July.
  • Says mamamamama all the time.  She coos and makes noises a lot
  • Usually eats two jars of baby food for every meal.
  • Points at things
  • Still loves watching tv with Chloe
  • In size four diapers
  • Weighs 21 pounds...only one more pound and she'll be too big for her carseat!
Month 10:

  • Pivots REALLY well on her bum and does the bum scoot to whatever she needs.  For not knowing how to crawl, she sure can move.  She can lean all the way over her knee and usually reach what she needs.  She can also go from her bum to her tummy. 
  • If she's on a blanket and there's something on the other side that she wants, she'll start pulling the blanket toward her until whatever she wants is within reach!  She's so efficient without crawling!
  • Points at all sorts of thing and says "Ooooo" and titititi, or mamama, or just growls.  If I growl at her she'll growl back.
  • Will touch my nose with one finger to get it to "beep".
  • Waves goodbye like a pro, even at strangers.
  • Still hasn't figured out how to roll from tummy to back, which sometimes causes tantrums in the middle of the night when she can't get back.
  • Is officially at that distracted age where she can hardly drink her bottle.  Doesn't like to cuddle anymore while she drinks her bottle, but just wants her own bed.  She LOVES her bed.
  • Got really sick this month with a severe cough.  We ended up taking her to the dr. three times in one week because she was coughing so hard she was throwing up.  The first time the doctor said she was gettting air in, but not much out (kind of like asthma) so he sent us to get a nebulizer to give her breathing treatments every four hours with Albuteral.  The second time we were given a steroid because she was getting worse.  The third time we were sent to do a chest x-ray and get a nose swab.    Dr. Marsden finally figured that it was Perry's Influenza and that it should clear up on it's own.  With everything else and the help of essential oils (I am seriously a believer now.  She couldn't sleep she was coughing so hard and one night with DoTerra Breath and she stopped coughing!), and now she's FINALLY over it.  Suffice it so say, that was a REALLY long week.  
  • Now that she's better, she's back to being our happy baby. For that week she was whinny, needy and cuddley...very different from my happy, independent, squirmy girl.
  • Her and Chloe are becoming better friends every day.  The gap in what Avery can't do is closing and they are starting to play together more.  I love it..
  • Still takes naps at 11 am like clock work.
Our little Avey is hilarious and keeps us on our toes.  She has these crazy monkey arms that can reach anything within a split second.  She's pulled over more cups of water than I can count.  She's quick!  She's always happy in the morning and ready to go to sleep right at 8:30.  She has the shrillest, loudest scream  I've ever heard when she's mad.  When she's super excited she breathes really fast and flaps her arms like little wings and kicks like crazy.  Super funny to watch.  Love our Avey Baby!

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