The first picture is of my beautiful babies sleeping. Chloe has recently started sleeping without being swaddled and has adopted the hands up sleeping method. Next is Meg, Chloe and Little Alec at his house; we were up there for his little sister Mailey's blessing. After that is the strawberry lemon trifle I made for our community bbq last week! It was super fun getting to meet our neighbors (especially since we go to the college married ward) and bbq it up :) Next is Chloe sitting in a high chair for the first time while I was out to lunch with my Mommy. Then it's us greeting Sister Mangum at the airport! I was seriously SO excited to see her! We've been best friends our entire lives and I really missed her while she was on her mission in Florida. Then there is a picture of Ronnie's sweet garden-he planted tomatoes, onions, Chinese cabbage, corn, and peas. He takes care of it every day and it's already started sprouting! I'm so proud :)
Chloe started sitting up by herself this month, so this is a picture of her with her second cousin Josh. She LOVES being around other little kids and is so cute with them. Sister Judd also came home this month from her mission in Brazil and was so happy to meet Chloe for the first time (as was Kara). The last two pictures are from our trip to Aj's house for the baby blessing that somehow got stuck at the bottom; we were able to go to my second cousin's (whom I've never met) (did I use whom right?) wedding and my Mom was reunited with her cousins Layne and Lark. Lastly is Chloe the Lamanite with her Daddy :)
Whoo! Sorry that was a really dull explanation for a super packed month, but there ya have it! That's what's goin on!
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