Friday, April 30, 2010

My Birthday Wish

This is all I want for my birthday...which also happens to be on my first Mother's Day! It's fun, it's cute, AND it would provide me with some much needed exercise! Ronnie and I went bike shopping and the sales guy must of thought I was so dumb because he was listing off the specs on the bike and all I could ask was "does it come in teal?". Those are my kind of details :) Oh please, oh please, oh please Ronnie read my blog and get me the bike of my dreams!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Ronnie in the Great Race
Happy Birthday Dad
Sam, Rach, and Chloe
Jake and Whitney with Chloe
First time in a swing...not so sure...

Flying kites n' planes at the park
Ronnie, Chloe and Grandpa
Mailey and Chloe talking to each other
Chloe trying to eat Mailey's head and Mailey trying to get away

We have been busy little bees lately! Ronnie participated in the Great Race at school with the PBL club (which he won a state competition with, so we'll be headed to Tennessee in July for Nationals!)...except he didn't really get to participate because he missed his part of the relay...oops! Still fun though :) That same night we went to my parents house for a BBQ for my Dad's 52nd birthday! A week or so later we had a little "culture party" at our house with some friends. We had Brazilian, Chinese, and Korean food-SUPER yummy stuff!!! It was a ton of fun and I got to see my friend Rachael, who was visiting from NYC. LOVE her and miss her like crazy! That weekend we went up to Layton for our nephew Hadden's baptism. We had a great time partying, going to the park, and we even got to meet up with some of my family in SLC. On the way home we stopped to take some twinner pictures with Chloe's only girl cousin on my side, Mailey. Chloe kept trying to grab her headband or her face or her clothes. She even attempted to suck on her head! Silly baby :)
It' s finals week for Ronnie, so he's been really busy, but gratefully, not too stressed :) We've had a great month, but can't wait for summer!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 5 Months Chloe!!!

Chloe is 5 months old today and SO much fun! She always keeps us entertained! Here's what Chloe has been up to:

  • She loves to yell to get our attention...really loudly!
  • She's getting a little more selective about who'll she'll go to
  • She got her first two teeth on the bottom!
  • She still loves to be swaddled and it's the only way to get her to sleep at night
  • She started wearing 6-9 month clothes a couple days ago
  • She wears size 3 diapers
  • Still doesn't laugh out loud very often, but smiles all the time
  • Her favorite toy is a little cardboard book
  • She grabs at EVERYTHING
Life is just great! We love being a little family!

Note: I tried and tried to make that picture the right way, but it wanted to be upside down.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Lives :)

Here's just a general update of our lives, starting last night and going back to Easter...Last night we were able to go to the movie on the field for D-week and the weather was fine enough to take Chloe! Yay! It was so much fun and Chlo was SO good, even though she's teething (two on the bottom)! She just sat in our laps and then eventually fell asleep!
Ronnie and I got to go to a Kansas concert and it rocked our socks off! Seriously! They may have been together for thirty years, but they definitely still know how to rock! It was so much fun, but by the end of the concert they still hadn't played the song that we REALLY wanted to hear (Carry on my Wayward Son), so after they left the stage everyone got on their feet and encored them. They came back and rocked it and we LOVED it!
Easter was great and I loved finding Chloe a cute little Easter dress; she even went on the Easter Egg Hunt and was able to snatch a little egg for herself (with my help, of course)! We were able to celebrate with both families since the LeBaron's did theirs on a Saturday. We also enjoyed watching conference on Easter weekend. It always lifts my spirits and makes want to try harder :)
In picture-less news: Ronnie went to a state business competition in Ogden with PBL and won third place in Computer Concepts (he placed in the top ten in all six of his tests)! Now he gets to move on to Nationals in Nashville, Tennessee and I'm going to go with him!!! We are SO excited and I'm so proud of Ronnie! He's such a smarty-pants!
Last but not least,

My Dad is such an awesome, fun, strong, and handy person! We love you so much and are so grateful to have you in our lives!