Holy cow, how time flies! I can hardly believe that it was a year ago today that Ronnie proposed! It seems like life has changed WAY too much for it to only have been one year! This is a picture of us the night it "happened" at Temple Square in SLC.
Talk about changes! Today we said goodbye to my old car UGY...

...and hello to our "new" car! We decided after having a blowout on the freeway that we needed to buy something a little more reliable! Last year engaged, this year...buying a car...weird...
buying a car together is pretty freakin weird. car payments are even MORE fun!
i love reading your bloggings (is that even a word?!) and find it quite amusing that in your picture up top, nothing but the straws are colored.
You are so fun and make me laugh!! Your new car is way cute. We had to get a "new" car too - crazy! I agree that we totally shold get together sometime! Are you in St. George? I know you are supposed to be starting hair school soon, but I know there is one in Provo so I'm wondering if you are up north or down here!!! You and your husband are way cute! So fun!
Dude, I totally took that picture of you and Ronnie on Temple Square. In fact, I think I have about 50 of those on my computer...I love you guys!
cute car!!! I can't believe it has been one year! I just remember somebody else told us that you were getting married.haha good times!
Great Blog! The kids love your music on it, you guys are a hit.
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