Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Garden Time

Lets face it, our garden is just one big experiment this year.  This was a few weeks ago, and now everything has popped up except for the tomatoes and few herbs.  It's so exciting to see everything grow and feel the satisfaction from our hard work!  I am in awe of the miracle of seeds and that our Heavenly Father created something so cool for us!  The girls love being out in the yard with us, and Chloe especially loves being our "big helper".  Ronnie did such a fantastic job getting all of the mulch from the dump (two tons worth),got the tiller from his Dad, unloaded two tons of dirt (I did help with that part) and tilling it all up!  He's been so great at keeping up on the garden too!  Being home owners is so awesome!!


Alicia said...

Huge garden! Beautiful! Hope I works.... U should share ur tomatoes with me;)

The Pin-Head Post said...

Sadly, that is the one thing that didn't grow :( but we have plenty of lettuce! Are you in stg???