Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Garden Time

Lets face it, our garden is just one big experiment this year.  This was a few weeks ago, and now everything has popped up except for the tomatoes and few herbs.  It's so exciting to see everything grow and feel the satisfaction from our hard work!  I am in awe of the miracle of seeds and that our Heavenly Father created something so cool for us!  The girls love being out in the yard with us, and Chloe especially loves being our "big helper".  Ronnie did such a fantastic job getting all of the mulch from the dump (two tons worth),got the tiller from his Dad, unloaded two tons of dirt (I did help with that part) and tilling it all up!  He's been so great at keeping up on the garden too!  Being home owners is so awesome!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Haircutting Incident

So this happened back in January, and I'm just now getting around to posting this.  As of now, Chloe's hair has gotten to a more manageable and graceful state.  Here's what happened:  I was totally engrossed in a book and was SO close to finishing it, when Chloe asked if she could play with my makeup.  With a wave of my hand, I told her "Sure!  Go ahead, just go!" so I could finish.  She came down every few minutes to show me what a beautiful job she had done (she was playing on the landing of the stairs) and then would scurry up to put more on.  After a few times, she came down and said "Mommy!  Look how beeeeeautiful my hair is!!  It's just like on Tinker Bell!"  I look up and gasped in horror..I don't think I exhaled for a full five minutes, I was in such shock.  I couldn't even get mad because I couldn't talk!  She was so happy with herself and kept saying "Don't worry Mommy!  It will grow back!"  She led me by the hand up the stairs to show me what she had done.  It turns out I had left my scissors in my makeup bag!  Bad Mommy moment :(  It was a pretty bad hack job, but luckily she didn't go too short on her bangs and left me something (if very little) to work with.  It took a lot of blending and a part change, but I made it work.  She loves it!

Cement Day

 Nate, my Dad and Ronnie
 Todd, Ryan and Arty
 My handsome man

 Pouring the shed foundation

 Meanwhile, inside the house....
 ....this was going on
 Cousin fun!
We are so blessed to have such incredible friends and family members to help us out!