Monday, December 31, 2012


Thanksgiving day was wonderful!  After we got done taking pictures, we went to my grandparents house for a quite afternoon, then over to Ronnie's parents house for the evening.  The next day we went up to Zions for the traditional LeBaron family tree hunt!  We almost didn't make it up there and the ride was awful, but we made it.  First, we were running late, then Avey barfed, then we had to stop and get gas.  Then the dvd player I got at Black Friday didn't work, so we went and got the last one at Wal-Mart on price match.  Then Avey barfed again and we almost turned around, but decided to press on.  Then as we were going up the winding rodes, I remembered that I ALWAYS get car sick and I always forget that I do, so I never bring anything to help.  By the time we got to the dirt rode that led to the trees, I was holding back tears and gripping onto the door handle so hard, my hands started to hurt.  I cursed the dirt road and swore I would never come again, but all was quickly forgotten once we got there and enjoyed the family time and Bonnie's delicious corn bread.  We had a great time finding our trees and going on four wheeler rides (aside from Chloe's sass attacks) and just hangin out.  The ride home was even enjoyable since my sil Lisa provided me with some Dramamine that knocked me out until we hit Rockville!

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