Sunday, March 4, 2012

Avery's Blessing Day

We blessed Avery on February 19th.  It was a lovely and virtually stress free day, as I'm getting better at this thing called Motherhood and had lots of help from our wonderful family.  Sundays in general have gotten much better because we've started laying out everyone's clothes, finding both shoes, tights and having diaper bags packed in advance.  Avery wore the same dress that Chloe wore for her blessing, but we couldn't get the top button done up because A) She's a little chub and B) We blessed Chloe when she was a few weeks younger...but really I chalk it up to Ave's being our little chubba wubba :)  She is such an easy going girl and was relaxed all of sacrament meeting and completely awake and happy during the blessing.  She was surrounded by most of her Dad's brothers, all three Grandpa's, my brother and a close friend of ours.  Her Daddy gave her a wonderful blessing and I felt the Spirit fill the chapel as soon as he began the blessing.  Babies are soo special and already sooo close to Heaven...I love hearing baby blessings, especially your own child's.  He blessed her to keep her bright, happy personality and to find good friends, among other things.  We stayed for the block, then went to our clubhouse for a lunch of various soups, rolls and cookies.  We enjoyed hanging with the family (though we missed Grandma and Grandpa LeBaron), had an easy clean up, then headed home for a nap.  Like I said, it was a lovely day.  Love our sweet little Aves :)



Hey Sam!
I love reading your blog so much. We decided to change ours to private and so we wanted to extend an invite to you if you want to read ours just send me your email at I hope everything is going great with your little growing family!!!! Miss you guys so much!

teresa said...

Cute, cute Avery pictures!

Fun Family Times said...

How Sweet! I am sorry we couldn't be there.