Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Little Update...

 Decorating the Christmas tree in an outfit she picked out herself!  Glad we got it up before Avery came!
 Bundled up to go to the tree lighting ceremony at the park
 At the ceremony (the night before Avery was born).  She buried her head in Ronnie's shoulder every time the Grinch came around.
 Leaving the hospital
 She has Ronnie's toes!  Her toenails are exactly like his!

 She's always fighting to stay awake and this is the face she always makes when she's doing it.
 Love the carseat shot to remember how tiny she was :)

If you couldn't tell, Chloe LOVES being a big sister!  She also loves posing for pictures and is always saying "Wanna take a picture of me?"
 I was a little worried about doing this pose, but Chloe did great!  There are a few pics where she's totally about to lose her though...

Chloe seems to have quadrupled in size since Avery was born!

 Love having her here :)
 One of my favorite sights :)

 Bath time!  Avery's always moving her arms around and putting them by her head/scratching her face.  She always has the blanket pulled up by her face.
She likes to lay by the mirror and just stare.  She also loves her mobile and will just stare at it.  We have our good days and bad days, but overall, we're really happy and things are going well!  Avery is such a little sweetie and Chloe is (usually) such a good helper!  Avery is such a little piggy!  I'm nursing and pumping and supplementing with formula here and there.  She does so great switching around and already loves her binky. She usually takes about an hour to nurse, then she'll act like she's going to sleep, but will wake up 10 minutes later for another 2oz!  If anyone has any ideas on how to break that little habit, let me know!  Not lovin' it!  I have to watch something while I'm nursing, so I think I'm about halfway through the season of Eli Stone on Netflix.  I'm getting pretty tired of watching TV, but it's hard for me to nurse without a distraction!  Chloe LOVES her baby sister and loves helping me.  She's acted a little extra needy and for a while was throwing fits all the time, but hasn't taken anything out on Aves.    She's really good about grabbing things for me while I'm nursing, but still has a hard time going to the bathroom by herself, which is a challenge when I'm feeding Avery.  We call Avery Aves a lot, or baby Aves and Chloe calls her baby Gabes :)  Avery already likes to be swaddled and almost always has to have her binky, just like her big sister.  At 2 weeks old she usually has a few hour long periods of awake time where she checks everything out.  We're starting to get a schedule going for afternoon naps where both girls sleep aka I force Chloe to take a nap as soon as Aves falls asleep.  Avery fooled us for a few nights by sleeping from midnight to six, but she now sleeps from about 10-2 or 12-4 then usually again at 7.  It still varies from day to day.  Ronnie is busy busy busy working full time at Canyon Media Group, trying to open his shop and still taking computer clients!  Even though he's gone a lot, he's still really supportive and helpful!  Love my little family!


Lindsay said...

Your girls are so adorable! I hope you are adjusting well! I'm SO nervous for #2 when the time comes.....

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

so cute! love the picture of Chloe holding Avery! for the snaking advice for Avery I would say try to get her to stay awake after she nurses, play with her talk to her changer her diaper and then she might be so tired she might actually sleep for a while and then wake up later for food. also you can give her a binky since you just fed her and sometimes that holds them off for a bit- she could just be comfort sucking- if you can space her feedings she should eat more each time instead of a little bit every hour(snacks). but she sounds like she is sleeping great! My little one is just barely doing 4-5 hour stretches at night and he is almost 3 months. good luck!

Fun Family Times said...

Love the tiny boots, she is way cute!

THE HILLS said...

I totally know what you mean about Chloe quadrupling in size. I feel like Taft gained 20 lbs and his legs are SO long now...its crazy how tiny babies are. Congratulations!