Thursday, February 25, 2010

Three Months Old!

3 months
2 months
One Month
One Day

I can't believe our little Chloe bum is three months old! She is such a joy to have in our lives and we love her SO much!
This is what Chloe has been up to the past month...she:

*Sleeps through the night...11 or 12 to 6 or 8
*Bats at toys hanging above her
*Laughs (only a couple of times though, and only for her Daddy)!
*Has little tantrums-she'll make a little scratchy noise and jerk her head away from whatever she doesn't want
*Blows bubbles...though I'm sure by accident
*She rode in the car without crying, without a binky, and awake the whole way to Hurricane!
*She still hates tummy time
*She's getting a little attached to her Mama...uh oh...

Life is just great for our little family and full to the brim with happiness! We are so thankful for all of the wonderful blessings in our lives! Ronnie just started a soccer class this morning and will soon be starting a class all about China! He's still doing computer repair full time and is keeping busy :) Lately I've been jumping on the craft wagon and am getting so excited by all of the things I want to try that I can't sleep at night! Two nights ago Ronnie told me to "Stop thinking and go to sleep!" Apparently he could tell I was still awake and had projects running through my head. It's not my's Craft Gossips fault! It's a web site that puts up a different craft every day of the week! It's amazing!


Fun Family Times said...

She's so cute and getting big! What a fun time!

MaMa eNCHaNTeD said...

I really liked seeing the pic comparison....she is growing...GROWING...G R O W I N G!!! I am so glad we live close by. Her outfits are soooo dang darling.