Our baby just keeps getting prettier and prettier...atleast it smells better this week! Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
Well, I am now definitely showing and can feel my stomach growing! It's especially huge right after I eat! Baby made a big move yesterday...I thought for sure Ronnie would be able to feel it...it felt so huge to me! I wish we had a nickname for our little baby....oh well...in a couple of weeks we can call it either baby Max or baby Chloe!!!
I love it! Baby Max...can't wait to meet you.
can't wait to know what you are going to have. hey do you want to send me like a pics of the boys or of the family so I can put it on my blog. I am so stoked to see them. no worries if you can't.
WHERE WAS I WHEN THIS NEWS WAS SHED!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! THAT IS SO EXCITING!!!! Wow....how cool - you guys will make great parents! My husband ran into your husband the other week or so ago - I think... ha well anyway, really congratulations!! What are your plans for the future now!? (p.s. I have a private blog now - so if I don't have you e-mail you should e-mail it to me at tkaminska@hotmail.com, because I want to be able to stay in touch with you guys!) CONGRATUFREAKINGLATIONS!!
At least your baby doesn't look like a sweet potato! :D
So exciting! When is your ultra sound?
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