I'd like to give a shout out to my awesome hubby Ronnie and tell him how much I've enjoyed and loved our first year of marriage! I love you so much sweetheart! Thank you for our wonderful past year of marriage! Thank you for the joy, the love, the sacrifice, the hard work, and all the FUN! We've had so many good times and memories and I look forward to the rest of the journey!

Then and now! Here are some pictures from our anniversary celebration! It was on a Sunday, so we decided to do it a little early...Friday night we went to dinner at Chili's then to Tuacahn to watch "The Sound of Music"! It was great! Saturday we were able to do two photo shoots (which you can view on our cool new photoblog), have a family lunch, and go to the demolition derby at the county fair! It was totally sweet! I'm going to try and put some video on here from it! Anywhoo...it was a wonderful weekend and anniversary!
congrats!! we still have a few more months, but i'm excited for our anniversary too... :)
you look amazing in these pics...you're glowing and it looks fabulous.
good luck at hairschool ;)
WE are so blessed to have you as a sister. You and Ronnie are a great match. We love you guys, and that's an understatement.
Of course we remember you! Thanks for your comment. I'm so glad you guys are doing well--I love your wedding pictures! Hope you didn't mind me taking a peek at your cute blog. :) Good luck with all you're doing!
Cute blog guys! Congrats on your year mark! I can't believe we're almost to #5. WOW! It's a fun ride! :o)
Congrats! Thanks so much for your comment. Sorry I have taken SOOO long to get back I was taking a bit of a break from blogging to get kids all ready for school and the like but we will be back in action soon so keep in touch. I would love to know how we may be related. Not too many Rimmasch's out there.
Sam! Thanks for being excited for us in our adventure! We're loving it so far. If only it were a little closer to home! Then we could hangout. Sounds like you are having a wonderful life as well! You'll have to do my hair when I come home! woot woot! I love your cut, and I miss you like crazy. DO you talk to Callie and Aaron much? I haven't heard from Cal in a long time. Anyway, GOrgeous wedding pics. Let's keep in touch :)
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