Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Flashback: Our Courtship

This is the party where Brooke and I agreed to ignore Ronnie because we both liked him...ya..didn't work.  Good think Brooke is such a wonderful friend :)
My birthday hike in Zion where we shared our first kiss

Birthday flowers!

Another hike in Zion with Andy, Brooke and Kari

Fourth of July 2007
The first meal I cooked Ronnie in our first apartment.  No chairs yet!

On our honeymoon in Montreal, where Ronnie served his mission.
I came across a disc with these pictures on it while I was unpacking and had to share!  Look at how young and skinny we were!  It's amazing what almost 6 years and 2 kids will do to you!  Our "Meet-aversary" is right around the corner on March 9th and I'm still SO in love with this guy!  I think to celebrate I'll make him a crisp bean burrito, just like I did on the first day we met.  Anyone who knows Ronnie, knows that he loves to eat and I think I made a good impression on him by feeding him.  And anyone that knows us as a couple, knows that we tend to fly by the seat of our pants (or so it seems) and go with it.  Just like our honeymoon in first I was going to go with him to a wedding there as his girlfriend and our parents were scared to death.  Then I was going to go as his fiancĂ© and everyone worried about you know what even more.  Then we decided to simplify things and I went as his wife!  I know it's so cheesy, but we are seriously so good for each other and...and... he completes me!  I'm so glad that he's crazy, just like me and when he's not, he usually just goes along with it!  We've had many adventures and misadventures (China anyone?) and I have loved every minute of it...except for the parts I didn't...  Okay.  Done!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mr. Potato Head


This is way back from last summer, but I had to share, because I'm so proud of my Chloe Bug.   It all started out when she saw a toy grocery cart at Target and asked if she could have it.  I told her that if she would chores around the house, I would pay her and she could save up to buy it.  We took a picture of it on my phone and used it as a reminder when I asked her if she would like to do work.  She worked for months to earn half of the money and I agreed to pay the other half.  She finally saved up all of her money, but then decided she would rather have a Mr. Potato Head.  I explained to her that it cost more money and that she would have to wait longer, but she was okay with it.  Eventually, she earned enough and she was able to get it!  She was so happy and excited and I was SO proud of her!  She played with it non-stop for days!  She is such an amazing girl and I love her to pieces!!!


These girls are getting so good at playing together!  I love watching them grow closer and enjoy being together.  Chloe LOVES Avery and is very protective of her.  She loves playing house with her and pretending to be her Mommy.
Since the weather is nice, we've been trying to get out of the house, get some exercise and explore our new home.

Aunt Laura came to babysit while we went to the temple...they had a blast!
My handsome man ;)
Whenever I do hair, Chloe wants to be doing the same thing.  She loves combing our hair and pretending to style it.  She wanted to help me color my Mom's hair, so I got out the old mannequin head and shaving cream.  She loved it!

Avery is getting so big and mobile.  She can pull herself up to anything now and walk along whatever she needs to get what she wants.  She can also stay standing if she doesn't realize you let go of her.  She is full of mischief and has a very playful, naughty look in her eyes most of the time.  When she gets caught doing something she's not supposed to, she'll shake her head, try and hide whatever she has and speed away on hands and knees.  She's pretty quick too!

Yard Work!

Now that the house is done, the next step is the yard!  We have big plans and are excited to get going!  The first step is pouring cement for Ronnie's shed (for all of his airplanes) and the porch!  Larry was kind of enough to come share his expertise and Chloe was our big helper!  She has love playing in the dirt and digging holes!  We'll have to save a little patch of dirt just for that :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

This year we had big plans for a New Years party at our new house, but things didn't quite work out.  The girls had been sick, the house was a wreck, and many of our friends had to cancel last minute, so we opted for a quiet evening at home.  We had ice cream cones and played a heated round of Uno Moo with our girls!  It was so much fun and so relaxed, just what we needed!  I love the times when we can just kick back and hang out as a family.  I love watching my sweet, beautiful girls interact with each other and show what they can do.  We are so blessed :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Christmas 2012

Ronnie opening his present from me!  He was so surprised!!

All the Mangum ladies
We had a wonderful Christmas in our new home this year!  We spent Christmas Eve afternoon at the LeBaron's house doing the Nativity, then headed over to my parents house for our traditional German dinner.  Christmas day, we slept in and took it easy, Ronnie's family came over.  It was so nice to relax and have everyone over...the girls LOVED the marble ramp that Grandpa Larry made for them.  That afternoon we went over to my parents house for presents and then my grandparents house for a delicious turkey dinner. Seriously, them Mangums know how to cook!!!  The highlight of the day were definitely when Ronnie opened my much hyped present to him.  I'd built him up since the beginning of December that I'd gotten him something he'd always wanted, but it wasn't a tool or airplane related.  He was so confused, but luckily SO excited that it was a painting of the Savior.  Chloe LOVED her princess shoes and Avey couldn't get enough of her ball toy.  It was a perfect Christmas!  Love my family!