Sunday, November 18, 2012

So Close, it Hurts

Well, it's finally happening!  We will be moving in to our new house, after almost 8 months of building, the Saturday after Thanksgiving!  Eek!    We had our open house on Friday, but we have to finishe some landscaping and odd and ends, then an inspection on Wednesday.  Our house and another house are completely done, but we have to finish the other two in order to move in.  I am SO beyond excited to be out of this transitional phase and into our house and building our lives there!  No more commuting out to the site, finding babysitters and late nights!  Special thanks to everyone who has helped us through this crazy process!!!

Trick or Treat!!!

This year we opted for the more traditional costumes of witches, kitties and...dead things.  I made all of our  tutus (I sewed them instead of tying the tulle on) and Avey's kitty ears and Ronnie went and worked on the stone for our house and came back covered in dust and looking dead, so we went with it.  Our neighborhood was CRAZY and crawling with kids and their families.  We were out of candy before we even left our house at seven!  Unfortunately, many other people ran out too, so we didn't end up with much candy, which Ronnie reminded me several times, was probably for the best!  We ended the night trick or treating all the best houses in my parents neighborhood, then joined my sister for her Halloween party at my parents house.  It was a great night!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rimmasch Pumpkin Carving 2012

My pretty Mama
My Dad's pumpkin had an unfortunate "accident" and everything spilled out!
Ronnie's pumpkin...isn't it so him?

Gwumpy face!!!

I told him the open eye looks like Napoleon...

You go 10%
...and I'll go 90%!
Giving Daddy scared loves after he forgot her fear of moving fast and threw her in the air...

Chloe's photography skills...
Chloe's abduction pose
We usually go to my Uncle's house in Fayette for pumpkin carving, but it didn't work out for any of us St. Georgians this year, so we all stayed home.  We worked all day at the house (hence the lovely attire we're sporting), including my Dad, then came home and got our carve on!  I usually have a really tough time carving pumpkins, but this year I had a tiny, starting to rot pumpkin and it carved like a dream!  We also enjoyed my Mom's delicious homemade chicken noodle soup, which I think should be a new pumpkin carving tradition :)  It was a great night and I'm sad to see Halloween go :(   Nevertheless, I'm excited for Thanksgiving, making pies, Christmas shopping (totally doing Black Friday this year), and Christmas in our new house!!!!

Halloween Party 2012

 The sisterwives complete with baby
 The donut game

 The dice challenge

 Trying to keep all three balloons in the air for three minutes

 The guys

 The gals

 Keeping things saucy
The lovely couple!

I LOVE Halloween!  I love dressing up, being silly, and eating candy, so it's the perfect holiday for me (aside from all of the uber creepy stuff....that's not my thing...)!  Our friend Trit pulled off this AMAZING Halloween party and I loved seeing everybody's creativity!  For my Bunco group I wore the little old lady outfit and won best costume there, then Trit suggested we put Ronnie in that and make me the old man for her party.  I'm so glad Ronnie is such a ham and goes along with whatever I suggest- he makes it so fun! I almost peed my pants more than once getting him all dressed up! We won funniest costume and got a Texas Roadhouse gift card and had a grand time!