- She now sleeps swaddled with her arm out, because she HAS to have her thumb! When I would swaddle her arms, she'd always try to get her thumb out and end up with the blanked over her head. No bueno!
- She is super grabby! Anything near enough to be grabbed, she'll try and snatch. She loves grabbing her blanket and putting it on her cute cheeks and sucking her thumb.
- Can support herself in her bumbo
- Started eating baby food...we're still working on swallowing
- Goes to bed around 9 and wakes up for a bottle around 5 or 6, but can (and likes) to hold her own bottle, so I give it to her and go back to sleep.
- Super smiley, especially in the morning. She is definitely a morning girl. I love hearing her morning coos, then peeking over the side of her crib and seeing her giant, wide mouthed smile.
- LOVES Chloe. Chloe can do no wrong with Aves. Even when she lays on top of her, she's smiling and bright eyed.
- Still loves TV and her bouncy chair
- Does really well with tummy time
- Laughs when you "eat" her neck
- She usually takes a nap around 11:30 am and sometimes in the afternoon
- Drinks 8-10 oz
- Wears size 4 diapers
I know I say it a lot, but Avery really is such an easy going gal :) If she's not hungry, she's content to bob in her bouncy chair. We usually don't even know if she's stinky and when she is, she almost always blows out. I even switched to huggies and got a bigger size, and she still has poosplosions. Between Chloe's barfing and Avery's pooping, if we have another girl, she's going to need all new clothing! Can't believe that our little Aves is already 5 months old! Time is flying!
PS Pictures to come....