Sunday, May 29, 2011


Picture credit Meridian Magazine
My Mom just sent me this article and I think she really hit the nail on the head where women are concerned.  Give it a read and see if you can't relate-------------->

Happiest Birthday


 This year my birthday felt a little different for me...usually I'm thinking about what I want, whether I should have a party or not and I hate to admit it, but I really worry that people will forget it.  Birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries have always been a really big deal to me-they need balloons and parties and good food and special hand written letters to be special.  I think it stems from my Mom, because she's a very thoughtful person and always made our birthdays very special; she'd wake up super early or stay up late to put a big sign and balloons in the front yard, then wake us up at the crack of dawn with the whole family singing and giving us gifts in bed and she always remembered whatever gift we'd been talking about or had mentioned and hadn't even realized it.  I'm not sure why I'm exposing myself like this, but this is one "virtue" that may have turned into a "vice" for me, atleast when it's my birthday.  I LOVE planning parties for my family and finding them special gifts, but when my big day comes around I worry that people wont do the same for me and if they don't, then I get really sad or really ornery (and both are quite unpleasant, as Ronnie can testify to).  ANYWAY, what I'm trying to build up to, is that this year, I didn't care!!!  And if felt so nice!  I remember the exact moment when I was washing my hair and the first thought about my birthday popped into my head and it was "Huh, my birthday's on Monday.  That's crazy".  Maybe I've matured.  Maybe my brain is too fried to worry.  Or maybe I've gained a little more charity in the last year.  I love realizing when I've done a little growing up :)

Ronnie made my birthday just perfect.  He completely surprised me by bringing balloons and my favorite treats (Skittles and Reeses) to me at work!  Of course he had to take them right back with him because 30 children rushed to the door as soon as he entered with them and started screaming for balloons...but that moment made me smile for the rest of the day.  Then a miracle happened and a client gave him a gift card for graduation and we were able to go out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.  It may sound lame, but I've realized that when you are happy with what you have and you love the people around you for who they are, nothing can ruin your day, much less your birthday.

PS  I can't forget to thank all of the other wonderful people who contributed to my know who you are!  I love you all!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easters 2011

Enjoying their pre-Eaters basket apple so I didn't feel like a bad Mom giving Chloe all that sugar...

We tried to do most of the fun Easter stuff on Saturday, so that on Sunday we could try to think about the Savior and his incredible sacrifice and love for us.  So Saturday I unveiled the much anticipated (to me, since I'd been gathering things for about a month) Easter baskets!  This year was my first attempt at Easter baskets and I think I went a tad overboard....thankfully Chloe is small enough that I don't think it has set a standard for future years!  After Easter baskets we decided to go to our favorite lunch outing at Judds in town.  We LOVE their breadsticks and ice cream cones.  We headed over to Town Square and were pleasantly surprised to find that it was the Art Festival!  It was fun to see the art work, listen to the talent and gape at the over the top, artsy fartsy things and people (I love people watching).  We once again attempted to help Chloe enjoy the water features there, but no such luck. She's still completely terrified and it just makes us look like bad parents when we try, so maybe next time!

On Sunday we went to church and wrestled kids for two hours in nursery, but were able to come home and read the last week of the Saviors life while Chloe took a nap (nursery is a very important job, but sometimes you have to find a different kind of spiritual enlightenment when you get home...).  It was very interesting to read the different accounts from each of the apostles and try to piece together everything that happened to the Savior.  It gave me a greater understanding a stronger connection with my Savior to read in depth about his love and atoning sacrifice for us.  I know it happened.  I know that it is a REAL thing and I am SOOO grateful for the ability and knowledge to use the atonement.

Later that evening we put Chloe back in her cute little Easter dress and went to my Uncle Mike and Aunt Jesica's house for dinner and a small egg hunt for the kiddys.  Chloe was so cute with her basket hooked on her arm, walking around picking up eggs like a big girl.  She got quite the loot, so we shared with some less fortunate cousins.  It was a lovely Eater well spent with family :)

-"Do you not know I have had diarrhea since Easters?"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ronnie's Graduation Day

Ronnie with Dr. Alder

On his way into the ceremony

He finally spotted us!

With his favorite Professor

Ronnie graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Communication with honors!  I am so grateful and proud of Ronnie for his dedication and all of the hard work he put in to graduate!  If you ask him, he'll say it's not a big deal, so I thought I'd mention a few reasons why it IS a big deal that he graduated, with honors no less! In the four years it took Ronnie to graduate we:
  • Got married
  • Moved 4 times
  • Switched jobs 4 times
  • Started his own business
  • I started and finished hair school
  • We had Chloe
  • Almost moved to China
  • Sold all of our furniture
  • Moved in with my parents
  • Had to start all over again when China didn't work (including figuring out how to graduate)
  • Moved into a new place right in the middle of his last semester
I'm not trying to say we've had it hard, because really, we've had a relatively simple and very blessed life-I'm just saying that's a lot of life going on when you're taking 13-18 credits a semester AND you keep your GPA above a 3.6.  So yes Ronnie, it is a big deal :D

Anywho-graduation day was a very wonderful and busy day!  We left Chloe with my cousin Kara (whom she calls "Wara") and went to the graduation luncheon.  Afterward we snapped a few shots and I left Ronnie to meet up with his Mom so that we could go to the Convocation.  The speakers were all amazing, but we were especially eager to hear President Monson speak and of course, we were not let down!  He has a such a warm and funny personality and it was fun to see him interact with President Nadauld (of DSC), including a friendly shoulder rub.  

President Monson spoke about the three bridges that all of us need in our lives:  1) The bridge of Attitude.  For Ronnie he affirmed that the "fake til you make it" attitude is not fake or bad, but instead it is a shift in our own thoughts and feelings when we act the way we know we should.  It really works and it should be used all the time!  We don't need to tell people how grumpy or upset or discouraged we may be, but instead act as if we are full of confidence and charity, and eventually, that is how we will be!  2)  The bridge of Integrity.  He spoke of a boy that was in one of his college classes who had cheated on a test.  He said that perhaps he went on to be very successful, but all he and his class mates could ever remember about him was that he was the boy that cheated.  Even in our world full of lies and ugliness, Integrity is still a quality that is valued and respected and it will get us the most gain in life.  3)  The bridge of Service.  He spoke about how service isn't just writing a check, but rather it is a personal, face to face thing.  We need to be interacting with those we serve and loving them.  It was so wonderful to be able to hear from our Prophet in such a personal way and especially on such an important day in our lives :)

Congrats Ronnie!!!!  We love you!!!!