October was a very busy month for us: We moved in with my parents the first weekend and then spent the next weeks scrambling to get everything clean and in order first at our old place, and then at my parents house. I felt like I was swimming in junk for weeks! Poor Chloe's usual haunts were places like the empty bookcase above, laundry baskets and storage bins. She was such a good sport :) Chloe and I also got sick with head colds the first weekend in October and both still have a touch of that annoying nagging cough.
We had a really great Halloween and were happy to eat all of Chloe's spoils from the 10 or so houses we visited (too bad we missed the trunk or treat). Trick or treating wasn't really Chloe's cup of tea and it was a little chilly...maybe next year....in China....right....Atleast she was the cutest lady bug around :) I think when she's older we'll stick to store bought costumes, because my costume making skills are seriously lacking. After we got the munchkin to bed we went to some friends house and being the old farts that we are, left around 11 and went to bed. We are getting so old and creaky! Hope you all had a great October too!