Our sweet baby is growing up fast!!! I feel like I already updated on her milestones, so I suppose I'll just let you enjoy the slideshow! She is such a goof and we had so much fun doing our little photo shoot this morning (isn't technology amazing)! I just let her do her thing and snapped tons and tons of pictures of her cuteness :) At one point she started trying to eat the grass so I took it out of her hands, but I wasn't quick enough because she got some in her mouth and then she barfed because of it :( Yuck! Then the photo shoot ended when she saw my camera strap and went for it. Such a little busy body! Love her!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Our Silly Chloe Baby
First ponytail
I can not get over how funny this girl is and how much I love her! She is always doing something to make me laugh! She's always making hilarious faces, raising her cute little eyebrows at me, clenching her fists and yelling at the top of her lungs until she's red in the face! I love it when she crinkles her nose and breathes in and out really fast, smiling and kicking her legs while she's sitting up. She LOVES her binky so much and the other night I caught her blindly searching for it in her sleep and finally finding her mouth and inserting her binky! She's so good at entertaining herself-I can usually leaver her on the floor with a bunch of toys for up to 20 minutes and then I just switch her to her high chair or her walker. She's an incredible little sleeper too! She sleeps through the night and takes multiple naps a day! (Sorry...this is turning into a total brag post...) She rolls all over the place and got up on her knees for the first time last Wednesday. She's clapper her hands a couple of times and was waving at everyone the other night! I love watching her develop and reach little milestones! Life is not without trials, but I sure love being this little girl's Mommy!
Happy Fathers Day...a Month Too Late...
Ronnie is such a sweet, loving and SUPER fun Daddy! He's always playing with Chloe, taking her to get the mail with him and giving her lots of kisses and love. He'll do anything to make her smile, including his hilarious old man dance, which cracks her up every time. As my Grandpa says, I've got him "trained", but really he's just a wonderful husband and caring Father who is willing to change stinky diapers (he usually takes all day Sunday diaper duty since I'm in a dress), gives baths, sings her to sleep, feeds her and is just such a great partner in raising our little girl! Thanks so much Ronnie! We love you!!!
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