Saturday, February 15, 2014

Baby LeBaron Version 3.0

Well folks (or Mom, since you're the only one that reads this), it's official!  We've got another bun in the oven!!!  As of Tuesday (the 18th) I will be 18 weeks along and baby is due July 22nd!  I just wanted to jot down some things about this pregnancy before I forget!

  • I started wearing maternity pants around 5 weeks along (yikes)
  • I've started out heavier with this pregnancy than I've ever been :( Which might explain the maternity pants...
  • No throwing up, just all day blah-ness
  • I craved a lot of meat and salty things in my first trimester
  • A symptom I didn't have with my girls but have really bad this time is (painful) gas and constipation.  Sorry about the tmi, but I get so bloated and it makes my back ache.  No fun!
  • I had my first ultrasound at 9 weeks and got to see our little nugget and it's heartbeat
  • Heard the heartbeat for the first time at 13 weeks
  • We told the girls on Christmas day and they're both hoping for a brother :)
  • Chloe is so sweet about the whole thing and can't wait for my belly to get big.
  • I've been sleeping with a gazillion pillows since we found out.  I'm already pretty uncomfortable and that freaks me out for what's coming with the next 6 months! Number three is killer!
  • Since my second trimester started I've been having sciatic and back pain.
  • Of course I've been an emotional, moody wreck (more so in my first trimester) and Ronnie has said more than once "Geez!  This is the last time I'm getting you pregnant!"
  • I am hungry ALL THE TIME.  I feel like a hobbit;  first breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, supper, dinner, and a snack.  It's bad. I'm getting to the point where I'm sick of eating, it's become a chore! A lot of cold cereal is feeding this baby!
  • To announce to our families I made a calender with family pictures on each month and for July I put a picture of the ultrasound and wrote on the 22nd "Baby LeBaron due!".  We gave it to Ronnie's mom to look at and as she looked at each page she would say "Cute!  Oh how cute!".  When she got to July she said "Oh an ultrasound picture, how cute!" and kept on looking through.  My sister in law Andrea was behind her and got huge eyes and said, "SAM!  AN ULTRASOUND PICTURE!" which stopped Bonnie in her tracks and gave her big saucer eyes too as she realized what it meant.  It was hilarious!  We told my parents the same way and all my Dad said was, "I thought you were looking a little pouchy".  Haha, gotta love Dads!
  • This baby must be a bit of a food snob, because I can only eat Tillamook cheese and Wild Coyote ranch dressing.  Any other brand makes me gag!
  • I am cold most of the time!  I thought winter would be the perfect time to be pregnant because you're supposed to be so warm all the time, but I am constantly turning up the heat and wearing my frumpy house sweater.
  • Chloe just yelled to me from the other room "Mom!  If our baby is a sister, I want to name her Carla!"  Haha and if it's a brother it's Tyson.  I'll have to take those into consideration....
  • As with my girls, I was a grumpy butt in my first trimester.  I totally become an introvert and don't want to leave my house.  Since I've started my second trimester I've had more motivation to be friendly and happy, but I've become a total emotional mess!  There are days where I just want to (and usually do) cry all day!  It's killing me!!!
  • Heard baby's heartbeat at 17. 2 weeks!  We'll find out what we're having on the 26th!!!


The Christy's said...

I totally read your blog and love it, keep posting! Congrats on the baby!

Cassidy & Shawn Marshall said...

I read it too- Love all your post and pictures- your girls are adorable! Congrats!!! so excited for you- it seems the 3rd baby likes to make themselves known for sure haha they have to stand out amongst their siblings even in the womb. I am always a emotional roller coaster the first few months too- everything made me cry, our poor husbands haha.